Pro-gun legislator considered to head Ohio Democratic Party
The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported Friday that the Ohio Democratic Party Chairman is resigning, effective Nov. 30, and that among the names being considered for his replacement is a former endorsee of this political action committee.
From the story:
- Ohio Democrats are searching for a new state chairman -- just months before they must officially field a slate of candidates for next year's pivotal statewide races.
Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Denny White announced Wednesday that he is resigning Nov. 30 -- an announcement that came five weeks after he told the party's governing board he would not step down until his term expires in June.
His abrupt departure sets up a potentially divisive contest to succeed him.
Possible successors are Montgomery County Democratic Party Chairman Dennis Lieberman and former U.S. Rep. Dennis Eckart of Greater Cleveland -- both of whom expressed interest in the job this year -- and a new contender, House Minority Leader Chris Redfern of Catawba Island.
U.S Representative Ted Strickland, a Democrat who is polling as the party's front-runner in the race for Ohio Governor, told the media he prefers that a new chair be selected immediately, and said Redfern is his choice. He called Redfern, "The future of the Democratic Party." Like Redfern, who received an endorsement from this PAC in 2004, Ted Strickland is a pro-gun Democrat.
So can a 2004 endorsee of this political action committee and a pro-gun Federal legislator-turned gubernatorial candidate change the attitude of the Democrat Party toward our gun rights? It's looking more and more like Ohioans may get the opportunity to find out!
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