Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita

There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention.

What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens.

From a dog attack in a park to a gun accident, these articles should be a part of your required reading!

Click on the "Read More..." link below for several days of headlines accompanied by short, concise pro-gun analysis.

5/1/07: North Olmsted, Ohio: Horse, Rider Hurt In Dog Attack At Park

From the article:

    The seemingly docile dog lunged and broke free from its leash, launching an unrelenting attack along the trail. The canine's fangs ripped gashes into Blue's neck, belly and hindquarters that took 26 stitches to close. Miller called the event horrifying.

One more reason why self-defense in parks (and thus passage of statewide preemption) was important.

4/28/07: Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland F.B.I. Agent Shot During Stick Up

From the article:

    At approximately 3 a.m., 2 unknown black males approached a vehicle occupied by an off-duty FBI agent and another individual stopped in the 2000 block of Wyandotte Ave. One of the robbers opened the passenger door fo the vehicle and made a demand.

    The vehicle driven by the agent sped off at which time the robber shot the agent in the chest.

For years the Ohio State Highway Patrol has been stating that a person should try to drive away during an attempted car jacking. That is exactly what this off-duty FBI agent did, and he still ended up getting shot.

4/27/07: Lorain, Ohio: Lorain County Police Unarmed In Court

From the article:

    Police officers in Lorain County are the only ones in Northeast Ohio who are prohibited from carrying guns inside the county courthouse.

    Officers must leave their weapons in a room near the public entrance. Even Sheriff Phil Stammitti, who oversees courthouse security, checks his gun at the door.

This is another stupid gun ban that must be lifted ASAP!

4/26/07: Fremont, Ohio: Terra Community College Evacuated

From the article:

    Just two weeks after a gunman's rampage killed 32 people at Virginia Tech, students and staff at one northwest Ohio college had to evacuate over fears it could happen there. Police told everyone to leave, then searched every room at Terra Community College in Fremont after reports a distraught, armed student could be on her way there.

Enough is enough. We need to pass a law that allows college students and college staff members to carry concealed handguns on campus.

4/26/07: South Carolina: Bill Proposes Guns At Schools

From the article:

    A bill was introduced this week in the S.C. House of Representatives that would allow people with concealed weapons permits to bring their guns onto the grounds of public schools.

    House Bill 3964 was introduced Tuesday and would make it legal for people with a valid concealable weapons permit to carry a concealed weapon "while on the premises or property of a public educational institution." It also would allow concealed guns at school or college events.

    Area education officials said Wednesday they were surprised by the bill, which comes after the recent shooting deaths of 33 people at Virginia Tech, and a series of gun-related incidents in Horry County, including high schools in North Myrtle Beach and Myrtle Beach.

It looks like some of the South Carolina law makers know what it will take to protect our schools from a school shooting. Hopefully, Ohio law makers will follow their lead.

4/21/07: Hickman, Kentucky: Prison Releases Felon After Getting Phony Fax

From the article:

    Officials released a prisoner from a state facility after receiving a phony fax that ordered the man be freed, and didn’t catch the mistake for nearly two weeks.

    Timothy Rouse, 19, is charged with beating an elderly western Kentucky man and was at the Kentucky Correctional & Psychiatric Center in La Grange for a mental evaluation.

Also from the article:

    It contained grammatical errors, was not typed on letterhead and was faxed from a local grocery store.

Another example of how the justice system cannot be relied upon to protect us. How in the world could anyone think that the fax was legit?

Also from

4/20/07: Madisonville, Ohio: Man, 81, Thwarts Home Invasion

From the article:

    A home invasion abruptly ended early today when an 81-year-old man brandished a rifle at two suspects, a Cincinnati dispatcher said.

The elderly homeowner and the two women are alive today thanks to a firearm.

4/20/07: Hamilton, Ohio: Police Say Suspect's Gun Jammed After Shooting Two People

From the article:

    A man accused of killing one person and wounding another in a bar was firing randomly and may have shot several more people if his gun had not jammed, police said.

Another shooting in a so called "gun free zone." When will people learn that "gun free zones" only essure that victims will be unarmed?

4/19/07: National: Patriots, Politicians And Guns

From the article:

    Today is April 19, also known as Patriots' Day in New England. On this day in 1775, the "shot heard 'round the world" took place at Lexington, as colonists defended their firearms from British confiscation.

Did you remember that April 19th was Patriots' Day? Do you know that there were 3 important events that happened on April 19th?

4/19/07: Nashville, Tennesse: House Vote Permits Guns In More Places

From the article:

    In a surprise move, a House panel voted Wednesday to repeal a state law that forbids the carrying of handguns on property and buildings owned by state, county and city governments - including parks and playgrounds.

    "I think the recent Virginia disaster - or catastrophe or nightmare or whatever you want to call it - has woken up a lot of people to the need for having guns available to law-abiding citizens," said Rep. Frank Niceley, R-Strawberry Plains. "I hope that is what this vote reflects."

That is a GIANT step in the right direction. Hopefully, our Ohio legislators will follow Tennessee's lead.

4/18/07: Columbus, Ohio: Police: 5-Year-Old Boy Killed By Gunshot

From the article:

    A 5-year-old boy accidentally shot himself in the chest with a handgun and was killed, police said.

The Eddie Eagle program should be mandatory curriculum in Ohio's preschools and elementary schools. STOP. DON'T TOUCH. LEAVE THE AREA. TELL AN ADULT.

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