Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout
There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are worthy of mention.
What follows is our weekly review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens.
From hunter education in school to protecting Junkyard License information, these articles should be a part of your required reading!
Click on the "Read More..." link below for seven days of headlines accompanied by short, concise pro-gun analysis.
Thursday - Cincinnati Crimes not just 'UC problem'
- A pair of shootings last weekend near the University of Cincinnati has raised anew some recurring concerns about the safety of students, faculty and staff at UC.
Nobody should downplay the seriousness of crime at UC or at any other campus. To characterize these particular incidents as a "UC problem" is unfair to the university... If anything, UC is a victim here - certainly in terms of public perception.
Law enforcement and the courts should put the hammer down on those who use guns in crimes, and address the easy availability of guns on the street.
It is hard to believe that someone could consider UC the victim in these crimes. The real victims are the disarmed students and faculty who must live and work on and around campus. The 'easy availability of guns' only applies to the criminals. Students and employees coming or going from campus have NO availability of guns for protection.
Thursday - Akron Robbers Hit 5 Game Stores In 2 Weeks
- Police in several cities believe that the same two robbers committed a rash of armed robberies stretching across three counties. Authorities are hoping somebody has information that can help them catch the two men who robbed five video game stores in the past two weeks, NewsChannel5 reported.
Do you only carry protection for yourself and your family when you are going to 'a bad part of town'? The safety of your family is your responsibility 24/7. According to the story, these robbers were even brazen enough to call 911 and report the robbery they had just committed.
Friday - Galloway Officer's Truck Recovered, Gun Still Missing
- Weapons, Belt, Bulletproof Vest Stolen - Police said that sometime between noon and 5 p.m., somebody broke into Officer William L. Okey's Galloway home. According to police, Okey's green Ford F-350 truck was taken, along with two full size police badges with No. 41 on them.
Police said that the officer's service revolver, a Smith & Wesson 9 mm gun, his duty belt, a bulletproof vest, a complete Hilliard police uniform and identifications were taken. Police said everything that was originally stolen was recovered when the truck was found, with the exception of his guns, belt and vest.
This shows why the legislature is working to remove the 'plain site' requirement for CHL holders with HB347. You should not have to advertise to criminals that a valuable item is in your car
Saturday - Columbus 2006-07 Hunting and Fishing Licenses on Sale
- March 1 was the day to purchase your 2006-07 Hunting and Fishing Licenses. The new licenses are vaild until Feb 28, 2007 and can be purchased online or at local outlets. The fees for these licenses go right back into protecting our outdoor resources.
Sunday - Trumbull County A coydog acts just like a coyote and is nobody's pet
- The wild dog caught by a Bazetta Township man on the edge of woods behind his house shows that coyotes are nearby. Greg Savu of Andrews Drive, an experienced trapper, said the animal weighed 40 pounds. His family thinks a coyote killed their toy poodle two years ago.
Coyotes are considered a nuisance animal and can be hunted any time in Ohio. He said they live in all 88 Ohio counties. Coyotes like to live in areas where people have left food out — either garbage or pet food, even bird feeders. The best thing residents can do to avoid having problems with coyotes is keep trash and pet food away from them. Even wet, mushy dog food that your pet won't eat would be an attractive meal to a coyote.
Coyotes generally don't bother most dogs but will kill cats and small dogs. He suggests homeowners keep these pets inside, at least at night.
Coyote hunting is great sport to tie you over the change of seasons. While most other species are out of season and while you are waiting on warmer fishing weather, help a farmer out by reducing the coyote population
Sunday - Toledo Guns in school, appropriately
- Here is a guns-in-school story that will not make hysterical headlines because it makes way too much sense.
Diane DiYonker, natural-resources teacher at Toledo schools' Frank Dick Natural Science/Technology Center, recently completed a state-certified hunter-education course with 15 of her students, the final session of which involved hands-on instruction in the proper handling of different types of firearms, from handguns to shotguns.
It was done safely, effectively, with no muss and fuss, and with good purpose, as DiYonker explains.
The hysteria of guns in school is a recent phenomenon. Proper training and education, not totally restricting access will make our children safer. Talk to your school or church about hosting an Ohio Hunter Education class or providing the NRA's Eddie Eagle Gun-Safe program in your area. If you want Buckeye Firearms to help promote or teach a class contact us with details.
Sunday - Cincinnati Ohio government keeps bevy of secrets
- The list of exceptions to the Ohio Public Records Act has exploded in recent years, even as the Internet has made it easier to disseminate many records that are public. Public records in Ohio used to be simple. With few exceptions, if the government kept it, the public could see it.
Many of the exceptions are easily understandable. Social Security numbers are not public record. Neither are income tax returns or informants for the Ohio Organized Crime Task Force. For others, the need for secrecy isn't as readily apparent:
• Complaints against cemeteries filed with the Ohio Cemetery Dispute Resolution Commission.
• Applications for junkyard licenses.
• State Medical Board investigations of acupuncturists.
• Records about water pollution that might disclose a "trade secret" of the polluter.
• Reports of adults abused by caretakers.
With exceptions such as the ones listed above already excempt in Ohio, why are the media editors so upset that rape, domestic violence and other victims want to be able to prevent offenders from knowing where they live if they choose to obtain an Ohio CHL?
Monday - Columbus Wildlife Conference brings in record attendance
- he Ohio Division of Wildlife held its annual Wildlife Diversity Conference at the Aladdin Shrine Temple in Columbus last week.
When they first started having these conferences, they had 30 to 40 persons in attendance in the 1980's. This year was a banner year and had 750 plus in attendance. Needless to say, they were thrilled at the numbers and said if it continued they might have to find a new place to hold the conference.
Monday - Monroeville Robbery Foiled After Clerk Spots Would-Be Robber's BB Gun
- Police in Monroeville say a man who tried to rob a convenience store this weekend ran into trouble when a clerk noticed the robber's weapon was a BB gun.
The robber pulled the gun on a male clerk at the eastern Ohio store on Saturday night and demanded cash from the register. Police said that's when he realized the robber's gun wasn't real.
Chief Mike Ruggles said the clerk's "extensive knowledge about guns" prompted him to wrestle the robber to the ground. Two female employees jumped in and attacked the robber. One of them hit him with a chair before he ran out.
Once again, good gunowner prevails over stupid criminal. Remember: "Who brings a knife to a gun fight?" . . . . . . . "The loser."
Monday - Mount Vernon Youth trapshoot held in Centerburg
- When springtime rolls around, it is time for baseball, track, softball and tennis.
It is also time for trapshooting.
The Centerburg Conservation Club began its season with its annual Youth Shoot on Saturday morning. One of the crowning achievements of 2005 was the selection of Evan Eyester, 15, to the All-Ohio shooting team, sponsored by the Ohio State Trap Shooting Association. Evan finished in the top five in Ohio in the 15-under division.
Contratulations to Evan and the rest of the shooters. We are certain 2006 will provide even greater accomplishments for the club.
Tuesday - Columbus Crime Alert Issued for Campus Area
- The seventh crime alert of the year was issued for the Ohio State campus area after a student was robbed at gunpoint.
An OSU student was walking down the street when two men approached the woman with a gun and demanded her belongings. The two men then jumped into a white car and took off.
When the Ohio legislature chose to disarming our vunerable youth, criminals where assured the ability to victimize them with impunity.
Tuesday - Middletown Do you ever get confused when you read about guns in the news?
- Do you ever get confused when you read about guns in the news? Ever wonder why otherwise normal people insist on owning guns? Does the barrage of conflicting and convoluted statistics leave you baffled? Are you unsure whose job it is to protect you and your family? Do you sometimes despair of ever knowing? You are not alone.
. . . Later on, we can confiscate all the firearms owned by ordinary citizens, thus making the identification of criminals routine: If he shoots someone, we’ll automatically know he’s a criminal, or else he wouldn’t have a gun.
. . . And how about the apparent lack of interest, witnessed by the less than 1 percent (more than 60,000) participation? That’s right. The number of individuals possessing a license to carry a concealed weapon in Ohio exceeds that of the entire active duty armed forces of the nation of Canada.
Sim Evans is back at it again. For a unique perspective on protecting yourself and your family in Ohio, read his entire editorial
Weds - Akron Tests show Ohio deer free of chronic wasting disease
- Recent tests showed no evidence of chronic wasting disease in the state's white-tailed deer herd, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources said on Wednesday.
Ohio submitted 737 samples collected from hunters at check-in stations and deer-processing facilities during deer-gun season, which ran from Nov. 28 to Dec. 4.
This was the fourth year that Ohio has conducted tests for the fatal deer and elk disease that is related to mad cow. So far, chronic wasting disease has not been found in Ohio's deer.
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