Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout
There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are worthy of comment.
What follows is our weekly view of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens.
Click on the "Read More..." link below for seven days of headlines accompanied by short, concise pro-gun analysis.
Wednesday in Cincinnati: U. Cincinnati awareness week focuses on assault prevention
- Sexual Assault Awareness Week aims to teach University of Cincinnati students and victims of sexual assault prevention tactics and recovery resources over the week of Oct. 31, according to the UC Women's Center, which is hosting the event. "A student's best defense is not physical self defense, it's information and knowledge," said Eugene Ferrara, director of Public Safety at UC. Ferrara hopes to get this information to as many students as possible. According to statistics compiled by the UC Women's Center, 12 rapes were reported to them since the beginning of the 2004-2005 school year...
Mr. Ferrara needs do go back to school. Raw data from the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a "stranger rape" with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.1 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent respectively, for all stranger rapes? For all rapes, woman who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist, and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000)
Thursday in Akron: Police: Man Punches Would-Be Robber, Gets Shot In Legs
- A 21-year-old man punched a suspected robber in the face before being shot in both legs, police said. Akron police arrested Billy J. Turner, 21, of Hartford Avenue on Wednesday. Detectives said the victim claimed to be approached by Turner at about 8:30 p.m. on South Arlington Street. The victim said he hit Turner in the face several times after Turner pointed a gun and demanded he empty his pockets. The victim and Turner fought over the gun, detectives said. While the victim was on the ground, Turner allegedly fired several shots, hitting the man in both legs. The 21-year-old was taken to a local hospital. The injuries do not appear to be life-threatening. Turner was charged with aggravated robbery and felonious assault. He is currently in the Summit County Jail.
Thursday in Cincinnati: Salesman eating lunch robbed, shot
- A Chicago salesman in town on business was shot Wednesday, the target of an apparent random robbery in a shopping center parking lot as he ate his sandwich and fries. Sean Christopherson, 24, had gone into the McDonald's in Surrey Square and come out to eat his food in his rented red Nissan Altima, parked six spaces from the restaurant's front door. He was talking by cell phone to his girlfriend and eating when a man walked up to the car, took his wallet and shot him, Norwood Police Lt. Gary Fye said. The bullet went through Christopherson's side and into his lung. He was listed in guarded condition later at University Hospital, police said, but was able to talk to investigators. Police pleaded for anyone who saw anything to call them.
You don't buy fire insurance only when expecting a fire. Why carry only when expecting danger?
Friday in Northwest Ohio: Pheasants Forever volunteers: priceless
- If the results of annual youth pheasant hunts by area chapters of Pheasants Forever are any indication, then the special statewide youth small game seasons were a resounding success. And it was about a whole lot more than just shooting birds, as we shall see. Hunters age 17 and under, accompanied by nonhunting adults, were allowed afield principally for rabbit and pheasants, during the last two weekends. These special hunts are held in advance of the general upland game seasons, which open today under an Ohio Division of Wildlife initiative to provide prime opportunities for young hunters..... Reflecting on the Wood/Lucas hunt, Riley noted: "It's almost a rite of passage in northwest Ohio that kids wait till they are old enough to go on that hunt." The hunt is restricted to ages 12 through 15, and Riley watched younger siblings in the ranks, attending lunch but awaiting their turn - next year. "I applaud this [hunt] enthusiastically," said Riley. "The LEP is another way we're trying to reach people who work with kids, connecting to the land and discovering the outdoors. "It all ties together. In some ways you are doing it with the head. In others you are doing it with [field] skills. It all connects. It's all important, and Pheasants Forever is doing it all with volunteers."
Yet another reminder of how rewarding hunting can be for Ohio youths, and why Rep. Steve Buehrer's Hunting Apprentice license bill (HB296) deserves the full support of the Ohio legislature.
Friday in Columbus: ‘Naked photographer’ defends law license
- One woman was so upset about her encounter with a naked photographer that she bought a gun and took shooting lessons. Yesterday, Lois Kellogg sat 5 feet from Stephen P. Linnen, the lawyer unmasked in November 2003 as the camera-toting culprit. He surprised and photographed 40 women, frustrating police for nearly 18 months. It was the first time he faced one of his victims since he was caught. This time, it was his turn to be uncomfortable. The setting was a hearing before two judges and a prosecutor who will decide whether to recommend disciplinary action regarding Linnen’s law license. The Ohio Supreme Court Board on Grievances and Discipline would consider such action. Kellogg was the only victim to testify at the hearing, in the state Supreme Court building Downtown. "Something caught my attention. It was a flash of a camera," she said of the incident, in October 2002. "He was wearing a ski mask and a camera. I was frozen and shocked." She recalled folding up in a fetal position and feeling violated. She said she bought a gun because the incident made her feel vulnerable.
It is a tragedy that it often takes a dangerous encounter with a sexual deviant to or other predator for women to be awakened to the need for self-defense preparations. Make plans to invite a female friend to the range this month!
Saturday in Toledo: Help needed to solve theft of shotguns
- Lucas County sheriff's detectives are looking for help solving a break-in this week. Three males forced open a rear door and took six shotguns from behind the counter at Gander Mountain, 1320 South Holland-Sylvania Rd., about 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, detectives said. The suspects tried to steal other guns from a case, but were unsuccessful. They fled out the back door. It is unknown if they fled on foot or in a vehicle. Two of the suspects are believed to be black males. All had material covering their heads. They were wearing dark clothing and gloves. One wore blue jeans, while another wore camouflage clothing.
Criminals who want to steal guns like to know their where their quarry is located. Having been proven smart enough to use a newspaper to lure a rape victim into a trap, another newspaper to trick a robbery victim into hand-delivering his property, and having used the Internet to locate a rural store to rob, can there be any doubt there are also criminals in Ohio smart enough to use media printouts of CHL-holders to locate homes to target, or stalkers in Ohio smart enough to locate their victims who are desperately trying to hide?
Sunday in Springfield: Indoor gun/ archery range opens in Springfield
- A new, indoor range for guns and archery opened Saturday in Springfield, sparing local marksmen a trip to Columbus or Cincinnati when they want to hit a bull’s-eye. Lauhorner Indoor Arms & Archery Adventure offers 16 lanes for firearms and 10 lanes for archery. The facility at 309 E. Leffel Lane also has a lounge and video arcade. Most shooting ranges don’t cater to women and children, but Lauhorner will appeal to the entire family, said general manager Gene Goodwin. “Mom and Dad can shoot on the range, and youngsters can use the arcade or watch TV,” Goodwin said. The range is owned by the BJC Group, which is composed of Barry Laughlin, general plant manager of International Truck and Engine Corp.; Jeffrey Horne, a Springfield real estate agent; and state Rep. Chris Widener, R-Springfield, according to public records from the offices of the Ohio Secretary of State and the Clark County Auditor.
When in doubt on Election Day, vote for the guy who co-owns a firing range!
Sunday in Canton: Outdoors Notebook
- The Canton McKinley Rifle and Pistol Club in Hartville will host its annual ORPA meeting at 2 p.m. Saturday. A banquet will follow at 6 p.m., and will require an advance reservation of $20 per person. The events are open to members and spouses. The guest speakers are Heidi Cifelli, program manager of NRA’s Eddie Eagle Department, and NRA Vice President John Sigler. For reservations or more information, call Marty Capito at (330) 773-2989.
This is a great way to hear two great NRA personalities without having to go to Washington D.C. to do so.
Monday in Columbus: Voters appear far from sold on DeWine
- After serving almost 11 years in the U.S. Senate, Republican Mike DeWine is drawing support for re-election in 2006 from fewer than a third of Ohio voters, a new Dispatch Poll shows. He has two potential Democratic challengers who announced their candidacies only in the past month. Yet the poll shows DeWine in a virtual dead heat with newcomer Paul Hackett and losing narrowly to U.S. Rep. Sherrod Brown. The survey underscores why Democratic leaders in Washington have made DeWine a target. Experts such as Larry J. Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, already are labeling Ohio’s Senate race next year a tossup. The significance of surveys taken a year before an election is somewhat dubious, of course. Yet it’s hard to find a bright spot for an elected official — one who has occupied a statewide office since 1991 (he previously was lieutenant governor) — struggling to get backing from 30 percent of the voters.
Mike DeWine may sport a "R" behind his name, but Ohio's gun owners know he has voted with the worst of the liberal left when it comes to Second Amendment Rights. Democrats finally have a pro-gun candidate in Paul Hackett, and Republicans show an increasing readiness to look at primary challengers such as Republicans John Mitchell or William Pierce, both of whom have announced they will oppose DeWine in the May 2006 primary.
Tuesday in Cleveland: Cleveland Plain Dealer subscriptions down 4.46%
- The Cleveland Plain Dealer, the 18th largest circulated newspaper in the nation, lost 4.46% of its subscribers in the past six months alone. Only 5 other newspapers in the top 20 were off by more, according to numbers reported Monday by the Audit Bureau of Circulations and cited at
Perhaps Buckeye Firearms Association's Chad Baus isn't the only daily reader to have been berated by a newspaper editor when calling to request corrections for errors that had been published in the paper?
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