Professionals needed for Public Relations and Web Design
Buckeye Firearms Association is looking for experienced and highly-skilled professionals to help with Public Relations and Website Design on a freelance basis.
Please read the following requirements carefully:
Public Relations:
- Individual or small firm with 5+ years proven public relations experience.
- Skills must include writing and placing news releases, promoting events, and media relations on a state and national level.
- Should be thoroughly familiar with hands-on social media tools and tactics.
- Knowledge of gun rights issues and issue advocacy a big plus.
- Must be able to work quickly and professionally in a team environment where initiative is paramount.
- Office in Ohio is preferable, central Ohio is ideal.
Web Design / Drupal Expert:
- Individual or small firm with 5+ years proven experience with web design and development.
- Drupal CMS experience a must, including skinning, module installation, and code modification.
- Must be familiar with online commerce and store development.
- Knowledge of gun rights issues and online issue advocacy a plus.
- Office in Ohio is preferable but not required.
If you or your firm is interested in either or both of these areas, USE OUR CONTACT FORM to make initial contact. Choose the category "other" when composing your message. Include your name, firm name, email address, website URL, phone number, and a SHORT summary of your abilities and experience. We will contact you if we want more information.
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