Project Appleseed 2020 Event Schedule
“Appleseed” comes from Johnny Appleseed, the American folk hero who toured the country, planting appleseeds so that future generations would benefit. Project Appleseed is designed to ensure that future generations of Americans will learn and benefit from the lessons of our colonial past.
It's a nonprofit, non-partisan group of men and women (known as the Revolutionary War Veterans Association) who are committed to upholding the values and principles of America’s founding fathers. We use rifle marksmanship instruction as a gateway to help bring our nation’s history to life and to show that many of the values that our forefathers relied on to win our independence are still very much in demand today.
Through clinics and events, we teach rifle marksmanship and early American heritage to introduce individuals of all skill levels to the knowledge that was so crucial to the success of our nation’s founders. Aside from the fun and camaraderie of these events, the designed takeaway is a renewed sense of civic responsibility that each attendee can then implement in his or her own community. If we can reconnect enough people with the selfless civic virtue of our forefathers, we as a nation will all be better off.
Our goal is to create a nation of Riflemen. We’d love for you to join us.
Below is the Schedule for Project Appleseed in Ohio for 2020. Please visit the Project Appleseed website to sign up for any of these events, learn more about the program, and see events in other states.
4/18-19 Liberty Center, Ohio Henry County Sportsman Association
4/18-19 Piqua, Ohio Piqua Fish - Game Protective Association
4/18-19 Wilmington, Ohio Clinton County Farmers - Sportsman Association
4/18-19 Orwell, Ohio Orwell Gun Club
4/25-26 New Philadelphia, Ohio Tusco Rifle Club
5/16-17 Gibsonburg, Ohio Sandusky County Sportsman Club
5/16-17 Marion, Ohio Meeker Sportsman Center
5/30-31 Coshocton, Ohio Coshocton Gun Club
6/6-7 Newark, Ohio Dillon Sportsman Center
6/6-7 Conneaut, Ohio Monroe Sportsman Center
6/13-14 Wilmington, Ohio Clinton County Farmers and Sportsman Association
6/27-28 Piqua, Ohio Piqua Fish and Game Protective Association
6/27-28 New Philadelphia, Ohio KD Tusco Rifle Club
6/27-28 Orwell, Ohio Orwell Gun Club
7/18-19 Carroll, Ohio Central Ohio Coon Hunters Association
7/25-26 Salem, Ohio Salem Hunting Club
8/8-9 Vienna, Ohio Vienna Fish and Game Club
8/15-16 Wilmington, Ohio Clinton County Farmers and Sportsman Association
8/15-16 Marion, Ohio Meeker Sportsman Center
8/22-23 Piqua, Ohio Piqua Fish and Game Protective Association
8/22-23 New Philadelphia, Ohio Tusco Rifle Club
8/29-30 Liberty Center, Ohio Henry County Sportsman’s Association
8/29-30 Coshocton, Ohio Coshocton Gun Club
9/26-27 Orwell, Ohio Orwell Gun Club
10/3-4 Coshocton, Ohio Coshocton Gun Club
10/17-18 Wilmington, Ohio Clinton County Farmers and Sportsman Association
10/17-18 Marion, Ohio KD Meeker Sportsman Center
10/24-25 Gibsonburg, Ohio Sandusky County Sportsman Club
10/24-25 Piqua, Ohio Piqua Fish and Game Protective Association
10/24-25 New Philadelphia, Ohio KD Tusco Rifle Club
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