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Quid pro quo: Taft taps former Senate president to lead Commerce Department

FLASHBACK: Sen. White admits to existence of HB12 vote trading for Taft job appointments

According to sources for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, term-limited Senate President Doug White will join the governor's Cabinet as director of the Ohio Department of Commerce.

The appointment, which the newspaper says is expected to be announced today, allows Gov. Bob Taft to fill the vacancy created when he named Commerce Director and Lt. Gov. Jennette Bradley to be the new state treasurer.

The newspaper observes that although White has no back ground in banking or finance, he will now head an agency that regulates state banks, and oversees the securities marketplace.

White, 62, has expressed a desire to find "life after the legislature", in part because (as he told the Columbus Dispatch last week) continued state employment will allow him to qualify for a state pension.

Some of the worst problems with Ohio's concealed carry law today can be traced back directly to Sen. White's unwillingness to commit to a veto-override.

State Rep. Lynn Olman (R., Maumee) witnessed firsthand Mr. White's loyalty to Mr. Taft.

"I think the appointment speaks for itself," Mr. Olman told the Toledo Blade. "Doug has been a good trooper for the governor, a loyal servant."

As Ohio CHL-holders go about their business each day, struggling to comply with provisions such as the 'plain sight' car carry language, or fearful of attack due to having their right to self-defense on the trip to and from work banned by their employer, or suffering discrimination due to having their name published in a newspaper hoping to deter others from obtaining licenses, they should remember the name Doug White.

Bob Taft did.

Click here to hear White explain why he was unable to find the votes to beat a threatened Taft veto on Ohio's Concealed Carry Reform bill on year ago. The 4 minute report was filed by Ohio Public Radio on December 17, 2003.

Related Story:
''Life after the legislature'': Doug White likely Taft pick for commerce dir.

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