Rasmussen poll shows Dem's growing lead over GOP gov candidates

Rasmussenreports.com has released its latest survey of the race for Ohio governor, which shows the likely Democratic nominee, Congressman Ted Strickland, maintaining hefty and growing leads over two potential Republican opponents.

From the report:

    Strickland leads Republican frontrunner Ken Blackwell, 52% to 35%. In March he led Secretary of State Blackwell 50% to 40%. Strickland now leads Republican Attorney General Jim Petro 51% to 31%. Last month his lead was 47% to 34%.

    Whether matched against Blackwell or Petro, Strickland is currently able to attract 25% support from GOP voters.

    So far this year, our polling has shown no major hiccups for Strickland. In January, he was ahead of Blackwell and Petro by four and five points. Since then, Strickland has steadily gained ground since then against both potential competitors.

    ...Strickland is viewed favorably by 54% of the electorate and unfavorably by 26%. Blackwell is viewed favorably by 40%, unfavorably by 46%. Petro is viewed favorably by 38%, unfavorably by 44%.

The report goes on to say that because the unpopular current resident, Republican Governor Bob Taft, is caught up in scandal (of which voters will be reminded in August when a friend of Taft's goes on trial), and because the state's economy has been floundering from the loss of manufacturing jobs, voters seem to be ready for a change.

Fortunately gun owners, all three candidates vocally express a strong support for the Second Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms for Self-Defense, and for hunting and sport-shooting.

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