SEMINAR: Discover how to "read" the body language of dangerous people and respond confidently and effectively in any situation
If you own or carry a firearm and have trained with it, you've prepared yourself for a sudden and unforeseen violent attack that threatens your life or the lives of your loved ones.
But what if you could learn a completely different set of skills that allowed you to "see" that violent attack coming before it even happened? What if you could spot the potential attacker before he launches his attack ... or before he even selects you as his next victim?
Your worst enemy isn't the thug about to throw a knockout punch or pull a knife on you. Your worst enemy is blindness to the body language of other people.
Up to 90 percent of all communication is non-verbal. And if you can't understand what other people are telling you through their eyes, expressions, movements, posture, and other unspoken signals, you're BLIND to the threats around you.
Click here for detailed information about this upcoming seminar.
And please, get your tickets well in advance. We're expecting a big crowd for this and seating is limited.
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