''Sorry FOP, I give to OFCC PAC & the Buckeye State Sheriff's Association''
After offering absolutely no suggestions or amendments in the past two years, the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police, a labor union, lobbied successfully at the eleventh hour to severely weaken HB274. They have already been quoted voicing opposition to HB12 in this new session.
When the FOP calls your home during a meal, asking for donations, remind them of their actions against concealed carry reform in Ohio. You can also let them know you're aware of a new opportunity* to support a law enforcement organization - one that supports your constitutional right to self-defense.
*Please Note: An OFCC membership and donation to OFCC PAC will go directly to the fight for concealed carry reform. The information below is being provided for those who wish to go beyond that level of support, and donate to a state law enforcement body.
Click on the "Read More..." link below to learn about a sheriff's request for your support of the Buckeye State Sheriffs Association.
Sheriff seeks crime-fighting enlistees
The (Alliance) Review
Stark County Sheriff Timothy Swanson is looking for enlistees in the fight against crime.
Swanson is inviting residents to become associate members of the Buckeye State Sheriffs Association, because several people have expressed an interest in assisting the sheriff's department in these difficult economic times.
Membership appeals, according to Swanson, are going out in the mail this week. Individuals choosing to join the voluntary program can do so for a minimum $20 contribution.
Swanson said the funding provides critically important technical resources, training and legislative support on key criminal justice issues.
With government funding becoming increasingly difficult, to secure the associate membership drive has taken on greater importance. The funding is vital to helping us carry out our mission of making our communities safer places to live, work and play.
Individuals not receiving a membership appeal or desiring more information can obtain that information by contacting the Buckeye State Sheriffs Association at 6230 Busch Boulevard, Suite 260, Columbus, Ohio 43229.
Residents wishing to become associate members can also sign up for the program by contacting your local Sheriff's Department.
The membership program, the sheriff said, was formed to provide citizens with an opportunity to lend their support to more effective law enforcement and to better help local law enforcement officers protect the lives and property of citizens.
As the need for building strong public-private law enforcement partnerships in this country continues to escalate, programs such as this continue to grow in importance.
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