Stark Contrast: GOP Court Candidates denounce negative ads benefitting them
When negative t.v. ads, intended to benefit Democrat Supreme Court candidates Black and Burnside, began appearing in all major media markets across the state this week, their Republican opponents requested that the Democrats denounce the ads and request that their sponsors remove them from the air. The Democrat candidates refused.
What a contrast when the situation is reversed! Television ads have begun running in Columbus and Cleveland, paid for by a political action committee, and intended to benefit Republican Supreme Court candidates Maureen O'Connor and Evelyn Stratton. But this time, the candidates the ads are intended to benefit say they want no part of it.
"We are outraged by the advertisement's message and unequivocally denounce it,'' the Republicans said in a joint statement.
Commentary by Chad D. Baus:
In a grand display of hypocracy, Betty Sutton, Burnside's campaign manager, called the ads a "sleazy tactic.'' She sees conspiracy in the confluence of the ads with the GOP candidates.
Would that we could ask Black and Burnside this question: "What can we learn about your ethics by hearing your campaigns denounce third party negative ads against you, and your refusal to denounce third party negative ads befitting you?"
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