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Supporters from 16 states attend 2010 "Bullet-Proofing the Mind" seminar

by Chad D. Baus

Approximately 300 men and women gathered together in Strongsville, OH on Saturday, September 11 for the annual Buckeye Firearms Association "Bullet-Proofing the Mind" seminar, presented by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman.

This year's event was especially meaningful, having been held on the 9th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. The morning began with reflection from Buckeye Firearms Association chairman Jim Irvine, a professional airline pilot who flies the exact types of planes out of New York that were used on that fateful day.

Attendees were then treated to a 9/11 tribute video that left few dry eyes.

Following the invocation, Jim introduced Lt. Col. Dave Grossman.

The first time I saw Lt. Col. Grossman's presentation was in early 2008. I have since seen him three more times. Each time Grossman alters the format, and brings new material, so that one can hear the seminar again and again and always learn something new.

Buckeye Firearms Association was honored to have in attendance supporters from 16 states (AR, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MI, MN, NC, NY, OH, PA, VA and WV). That is roughly 1/3 of the U.S.!

To download copies of the material presented at the conference from Grossman's website,, click here.

To read a summary of a seminar Grossman put on in early 2008, and get an idea of why you need to be at the 2011 BFA event (plans for which are already under way), click here!

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.