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Supreme Court Candidate Maureen O'Connor Calls for Judicial Restraint

While not the most well-known statewide race this year, the decision of who replaces retiring Justice Andrew Douglas could have as much impact on the state, if not more, than any other statewide election.

Douglas has been a consistent member of the court's 4-3 majority in controversial cases, including striking down school funding, overturning civil lawsuit limits (tort reform), expanding insurance liability for businesses, and securing workers' compensation claims.

If O'Connor is elected, many believe that 4-3 majority will be reversed.

Calling it an "activist court," O'Connor, 51, says the majority has helped perpetuate an anti-business climate in Ohio.

"I'm very anxious to shift the philosophy of the court to one of more judicial restraint," she said. "I do not believe the balance of power calls for one branch -- such as the Supreme Court -- to usurp the authority of the policy-making branch of the Legislature. We have seen that all too often in the decisions."

O'Connor said she would strive to make the courts more user-friendly and find ways to better-inform people of how they operate.

"When I go around the state and approach non-lawyer groups about a Supreme Court race, the response is, 'We vote for the Supreme Court?'" she said.

Click here to learn how you can help ensure Ohio's Supreme Court returns to a Constitutionalist majority.

Read the entire story in the Newark Advocate.

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