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Taft pulls Hagan's strings on CCW, Hagan flip-flops (again)

One day after Governor Taft accused his opponent of flip-flopping on the Conceal Carry Reform issue (a moment rich with irony) in their televised debate, Hagan willingly responded by flipping his flop, or flopping his flip, yet again.

In discussing what he thought he could have done better in the debate, Hagan said he wishes he had been more articulate in explaining his position on pending legislation that would permit Ohioans to carry concealed weapons.

"I should have been clear in saying I don't think everyone in Ohio should have access to a gun,'' Hagan said, reiterating that he opposes the pending legislation.

But he said there are circumstances in which some citizens -- those with dangerous jobs or who have reason to fear for their lives -- should have the right to carry a concealed gun under Ohio's so-called affirmative defense law. A judge must give permission to carry a concealed weapon under that law.

Read the full story in the Columbus Dispatch.

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