BFA News

Listen to David Kopel on Firearms Forum this Sunday at 10pm on 1420AM!

David Kopel is one of the leading voices in the pro-gun movement. And he'll be talking to Jim Irvine on the Firearms Forum radio show this coming Sunday. David is a research director at the Independence Institute and the author of No More Wacos: What's Wrong with Federal Law Enforcement and The Cowboy: Should America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies? He is an expert on firearms policy...

Firearms safety education: Never too soon to start, never too late to learn

By Jim Irvine On Saturday, January 10, I was honored to be a guest speaker for a meeting of the Medina County Friends and Neighbors ( ). The topic was firearms - and despite heavy snow, icy roads and winter storm warnings, the group had a very healthy turnout. I started by having my 3 year-old son join me for a safety discussion. I asked him what he would do if he found a gun.

Ohio gun rights improved in 2008; Much more still to be done

By Jim Irvine Recently I helped our treasurer go through line by line all our donations for a campaign finance report. It struck me how many of you had donated, and how much some people donated. Thank you. It means a great deal that you put such trust in our group of leaders - who I promise will continue to work and earn that trust. Our educational corporation, Buckeye Firearms Foundation has...

Important message for AOL USERS ...

We've learned that AOL has been blocking our e-mail for some time now. We don't know why this is happening. If you subscribed to our newsletter with an AOL address, please UNSUBSCRIBE your current AOL address and RESUBSCRIBE with a different address. Two easy and free options to get a new e-mail address are Gmail and Yahoo mail . Either one will let you check your mail online and AOL will not be...

Gun rights groups score collective victory for sportsmen with defeat of HB446 & HB223

By Larry S. Moore The Columbus Dispatch reported recently that the defeat of HB446, the so-called "puppy mill" bill that sought to increase fees and impose new regulations on dog breeders and kennel owners, had ruffled some feathers in the Statehouse. Although the Dispatch acknowledges that the U.S. Sportsman's Alliance had been long-engaged in the debate, reporter Jim Siegel editorializes in his...

Merry Christmas from Buckeye Firearms Association

Merry Christmas to one and all from all of us at Buckeye Firearms Association. Our best gift is the friendship and support given by each of you throughout the year. As we reflect on the year’s passing, we count our many blessings, remember our losses, and give thanks for those who helped us through it all. We each need to take time to appreciate our friends and family during this special time of...

Buckeye Firearms Association volunteers attend Mobility-Impaired Hunting Access Area Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

BFA volunteer Bob Harsanje (seated on right) joins (from left) the ODNR's David Graham & Philip King, Rep. Peter Ujvagi and others in the ribbon cutting Buckeye Firearms Assocation volunteer Bob Harsanje and Vice Chairman Chad Baus were on hand recently as the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife held a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the development of the Mobility...

Gov. Strickland signs Amended Substitute HB450 (Armed Services 18-21 gun rights restoration)

Governor Ted Strickland, a former Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee, finished off his second year as governor by signing yet another pro-gun bill into law. According to his website , the Governor signed Rep. Bruce Goodwin's Am. Sub. House Bill 450 into law on January 6, 2009. Rep. Goodwin was the primary sponsor of the legislation, which lifts a state law which banned members of the armed...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.