BFA News

Buckeye personal defense lessons…from a Wolverine???

By Daniel E. Goodman So by now, the dust has settled from a fine Buckeye victory over that team from up north. We read about the matchup for weeks, and now it’s over, with Ohio State on their way to the national championship game out in sunny warm Glendale, Arizona. Ahhh….I’m envious of those that can go. We came away with a victory on the field, but did you know that some of the most important...

''If every state had an organization like Buckeye...''

November 13, 2006 I tend to think of people up north as being anti-gun. But over the last few years, I have become very impressed by the Buckeye Firearms Asso. You really know how to put the spotlight on the right things, and keep it there. If every state had an organization like Buckeye Firearms Asso., things would be better. Keep up the good work! Donna in Texas

Hard Work Leads to Pro-Gun Election Victories

As the dust settles on another campaign season, we want to extend our thanks for your support, time, and donations to the Buckeye Firearms Association political action committee in the 2006 election cycle. While it will be years before the full effects of last week’s election are known, Ohio gun owners have a lot to celebrate. What exactly did we do? A lot. We directly supported endorsed...

Too many Buckeyes walking about in ''Condition White''

By Tim Inwood I know I will be preaching to the choir with this article. I hope that you will share this with family members and friends who have not taken the time to evaluate why they have not gotten their concealed handgun license. My fellow Buckeyes sometimes puzzle me. Of late we have been bombarded with stories to convince us that the nation and our state is currently awash in violent crime...

Crime trends, causes and cures: Do media crime statistics tell the WHOLE truth?

By Jim Irvine American novelist/philosopher Mark Twain once wrote, "There are lies, damned lies and statistics." Even in his day, he recognized -- especially in media reporting -- that legitimate statistics are often presented in such a way to create an impression that can be far from the whole truth. For example, last month the FBI released preliminary data indicating an increase in 2005 violent...

''Thank your Senator'' week

By Ken Hanson Several well-intentioned (?) friends of mine sent me news clips about the municipal prosecutor who was just arrested for walking around the office naked . These were usually accompanied with "witty" questions about us municipal prosecutors working in briefs, etc. Reading the story, I realized I had been in this particular Court on the case of a CHL who was charged for violating one...

Do anti-gun legislators deserve support simply because they're Republican?

By Chad D. Baus & Ken Hanson Buckeye Firearms Association has always described itself as a non-partisan political action committee. Yet in recent days, PAC Chairman Jim Irvine has been in conversation with a reader who takes exception to the endorsement of Democrats. (For an excellent article on the NRA's endorsement of Democrats in national races, click here ) In a bit of ironic timing, as...

And They Ask Me Why I Carry? Part II

By Linda Walker In Part I , which was inspired by the occasion of September being “Realtor Safety Month”, I offered commentary which revolved around the fact that as real estate agents, we are never given information about concealed carry being a viable option in our self protection. Instead, we are taught useless self defense tactics that may give someone a false sense of security. I received...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.