
7th month of freedom & security in Seneca County

Despite the fact that every state bordering Ohio allows law-abiding citizens to carry firearms for self-defense, and despite the successful reduction of violent crime from such laws nationwide, Ohio's governor, certain Senators, and the OSHP bureaucracy still seem to believe that Ohioans are less responsible than the citizens of these other states. For close to seven months, the good citizens of...

18th century scholars could teach Bob Taft a few things

We often point out that the debate over reforming the concealed carry laws in Ohio should not be this difficult, given the experience in 44 other states. But the truth about banning legal self-defense was known far before Bob Taft and other "enlightened legislators" took their try at "remedying evils." The founder of criminology, 18th-century scholar Cesare Beccaria of Milan, once wrote: "False...

Op-Ed: Off-Duty Bans - Should Cops Have Guns?

National Review Online August 13, 2003 By John R. Lott Jr. After a city-council member was recently killed at New York City Hall, Mayor Michael Bloomberg questioned why James Davis, the murdered councilman, would want to carry a gun. Davis, a retired police officer, had a permit to carry a gun, but Mayor Bloomberg found it very troubling: "I don't know why people carry guns. Guns kill people…"...

Op-Ed: Liberal position on gun control is simple-minded

While not directly related to the fight to restore self-defense rights in Ohio, this op-ed does make some excellent observations about those who are fighting to keep you defenseless here in Ohio. Liberal position on gun control is simple-minded By Jay Ambrose Scripps Howard News Service Conservatives, says a new study, are simple-minded, to which I say that's partly true, some of us sometimes are...

Letter to the Editor: Police, guns and other journalistic mysteries

Scott Balfour, a federal law enforcement officer from Cleveland, has written a letter to the editor in response to the recent suggestion by city government that Cleveland police officers can't be trusted with larger caliber firearms , and addressing the frequent inaccuracies displayed by the media in covering such stories. Click here to read the letter in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, or click on...

Columbus Dispatch: Home invaders pick wrong family to rob

Hilltop residents say they fought off 2 men looking for dope, cash Wednesday, August 6, 2003 A Hilltop man took a knock on his head but managed to turn the tables on two armed robbers, including firing several shotgun blasts at them. Roger Maynard said he was watching the end of Monday Night Football about 10:30 p.m. when two men burst through his front door at 235 N. Wayne Ave. and demanded...

AP: Concealed weapons popular with Indiana legislators

1 in 6 packing heat, some during sessions The Associated Press One in six Indiana lawmakers has a permit to carry a firearm, and some even pack their guns when they walk onto the floor of the Indiana House and Senate, The Journal Gazette reported Sunday. These pistol-packing politicians have no problem with the availability of weapons in the Statehouse, and some even welcome the guns given the...

Live in a low crime area? Think your family isn't in danger? Think again.

Thu, Jul. 31, 2003 Akron Beacon-Journal Predators could strike again State finds 1,000 sex offenders at risk in inmate review after Wayne girl's murder. Bill to strengthen laws COLUMBUS - The state has identified about 1,000 additional convicted sex offenders at risk of striking again, according to a study done following the rape and slaying of a 14-year-old Wayne County girl. Click on the "Read...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.