
Are environmentalists' anti-gun policies to blame for wildfires in the West?

by Chad D. Baus The headlines have echoed across the country: "Guns blamed for starting wildfires in parched West" According to the Associated Press, officials believe target shooting or other firearms use sparked at least 21 wildfires in Utah and nearly a dozen in Idaho. Shooting is also believed to have caused fires in Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. In Utah, the AP says Republican Gov. Gary...

Tough love for the outdoor community: "You people need to figure out who your enemies are and you better do it right quick."

by Rich Grassi Editor, The Tactical Wire Without descending into the current political morass of charge/counter-charge, extremist vs. extremist, agenda and charisma driven politics, I think it's time for a block of voters to coalesce - the people of the outdoors. Yes, it sounds like interest group politics. Extremist whack-job pseudojournalists who exist only in the NYC-DC Bubble and on our TV...

Another successful year for the Ohio State Trap Shoot

Editor's Note: Ohio Supreme Court candidate and 2012 Buckeye Firearms endorsee Sharon Kennedy attended the shoot and enjoyed talking with the shooters. by Larry S. Moore MARENGO - The 2012 Ohio State Trap Shoot is officially in the record book. By all accounts it was another great and successful event. The campgrounds and trap line were full of shooters all week. Even if the shooters didn't make...

Cincinnati's Xavier University has graduate competing on U.S. Olympic shooting team

by Chad D. Baus The Cincinnati Enquirer reported recently that Jason Parker, a 1996 Xavier graduate, has earned a spot on his fourth U.S. Olympic shooting team and will compete in the 50-meter Rifle Three Position event Aug.6 at the Royal Artillery Barracks in London. The seven-time All-American is hoping to medal for the first time.

NRA Announces the 2012 National Championships at Camp Perry

FAIRFAX, Va. -- The 2012 National Rifle and Pistol Championships begin July 9 at Camp Perry in Port Clinton, Ohio. Conducted by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), with assistance from the Ohio National Guard, these matches are often referred to as the "World Series of the Shooting Sports." A tradition at Camp Perry since 1907, the championships are...

IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the...

The Classic Shotguns and a Great American Side x Side Shoot

by Larry S. Moore "Classic" - just say the word and a different image will pop into just about every person's mind. Fishermen may think of the Bass Master Classic, classic fly fishing rods or vintage reels. The car enthusiast may think of a split window Corvette. Whatever your definition of classic, say the word around my house and you'll hear about classic shotguns. There are many shotguns from...

Travel Channel Features Scioto Co. Machine Gun Shoot

WOUB, Ohio University's public broadcasting station, reported recently that "a rather unconventional event" in southeast Ohio is the focus of the season finale of a show on the Travel Channel that aired late last month. From the article : The "Sand Masters" spent three days building their sand sculptures in Scioto County, only to have them blown up in five seconds. Ralph Scott owns the firing...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.