Gun Grabbers

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 57

Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report” ---------- OBAMA WANTS YOU In an extraordinary outreach effort, the president-elect is actively soliciting input from special-interest groups with no holds barred. Shockingly, not a single firearms group has responded (there are 39 pages just listing groups that have filed reports). Have we become so set in our...

Preparing for Mumbai - In America

By Gabe Suarez There has been a great deal of discussion about what to carry for an event like Mumbai. Gents, let's think about this. If you happen to be caught up in this at its conclusion, facing a dozen riflemen working together as a unit, and you with your Kel-Tec, what do you think your realistic chances of success are? Being real is not being defeatist, but come on. Now, at the outset of...

On Mumbai - What We Know So Far

By Gabe Suarez In 2001 the USA had the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. It has become vogue to call it the 9/11 Tragedy, as if it was a hurricane or an earthquake, but it was not. It was an act done by men, evil men. A few years later, both Spain and England faced similar events. And now India. I am not so schooled in geo-politics to try to draw strategic significance here. All I can...

The Media Never Changes (The Plaxico Burress Story)

By Gerard Valentino The sporting world is up in arms over the recent accidental self-inflicted shooting of New York Giants star Plaxico Burress. Popular ESPN commentators Mike Greenburg and Mike Golic began the frenzy of bad gun-related information in their early morning radio talk show. Both repeatedly claimed they could never see a reason to go anywhere if they needed to carry a gun. I’m sure...

Columbus Dispatch editorial parrots gun grabbers' new pitch to Obama

By Jeff Riley In an editorial published on Sunday November 30th, 2008 the Columbus Dispatch agitates for "closing" private sales loophole for gun owners. Interesting timing, given a Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence-issued press release on the same date, addressing the same topic. You can read the Dispatch editorial, which chides Congress as having "failed" to enforce background checks on "...

Early Brady Plans Revealed; Push to end all private sales tops list

EDITOR'S NOTE: When reading the following op-ed, keep in mind Brady Campaign spokesman Peter Hamm's comment on Monday that gun owners who are purchasing firearms in advance of the Obama's inauguration are "stupid" . By Alan Korwin "Universal background checks for EVERY gun sold in this country." Plenty of gun-ban speculation is flying. I have this quote direct from Sarah Brady in a letter...

Why America’s gun owners are justifiably up in arms

By Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman From the prospect of an incoming president and vice president with decidedly anti-gun-rights voting records, to a liberal West Coast mayor determined to ban firearms by “executive order” without benefit of city council or legislative review, American gun owners have good reason to doubt the sincerity of Liberal Democrats now in control of Congress and soon to...

Op-Ed: The Life-and-Death Cost of Gun Control

By John R. Lott, Jr. Banning guns is in the news. India practically bans guns, but that didn't stop the horrific Muslim terrorist attacks this last week. A football player concerned for his safety violates New York City's tough gun control regulations by carrying a concealed handgun, and people call for everything from banning NFL players from carrying guns to demanding that the athlete serve...


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