Gun Grabbers

GRASSROOTS ALERT - Bloomberg coming to Columbus

NOTE: Location of event has changed. It is now at McPherson Commons (Arch Park), 218 West St. near Nationwide Arena. We need REAL GUN OWNERS to show up Friday in Columbus to push back against Bloomberg's anti-gun propaganda! On Friday, August 30 the anti-firearm freedom group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns will be hosting a rally in Columbus attacking Senator Rob Portman and promoting measures that...

USSA: How to Deal with Anti-Hunters and Harassment

As avid sportsmen and women, we may cross paths with our biggest foes: the anti-hunting community. Whether in the field, at a sporting event, a restaurant, or any other place, it is generally a rather unpleasant encounter. If this happens to you in the field, the question is: How should I handle this situation? Remember, hunter harassment is illegal in all 50 states! Over 25 years ago, USSA wrote...

CO gun control law backfires; Gun "buyback" cancelled due to "universal" background checks

by Chad D. Baus KOAA (NBC Colorado Springs) reported recently that anti-gun rights organizers have had to cancel a so-called gun "buyback" at the request of Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle, who says Colorado's new gun laws would make it nearly impossible to comply. From the article : Pelle says a strict law that went into effect July 1 requires buyers to go to a licensed firearms dealer and...

Op-Ed: Illegal Mayors

by C. D. Michel Incarcerating Michael Bloomberg may be the next news ironic item. If only! New York Mayor Bloomberg, America's self-appointed gun control financier and front man, established the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG). The group's typically innocuous and benign sound bites actually conceal an aggressive and extreme agenda, some rather disastrous shenanigans (such as a Keystone...

Nanny Bloomberg’s War on the Constitution

by Jeff Knox About a month after the US Senate voted down a series of gun control amendments back in April, an article in the New Republic magazine boldly declared "This is How the NRA Ends: A Bigger, Richer, Meaner Gun Control Movement has Arrived." The article was a long diatribe regurgitating much of the stale tripe and distortion we've been hearing from the anti-rights movement for decades,...

Op-Ed: Gun toting teachers' names must remain private

by John Lott Are people safer if criminals know who is carrying concealed handguns? Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel seems to think so. With school starting soon, he claims that if the Clarksville, Arkansas School District lets employees carry concealed handguns at school, their names must be made public. This is his second attempt to derail the school district's proposal. McDaniel's...

Ohio's children need protection...period.

by Mindy Whited On July 27, the Cleveland Plain Dealer published an op-ed by Renuka Mayadev entitled " Ohio's children need protection from guns ." In the article, Mayadev cites several tragic accidental shootings involving Ohio children as reasons for which Ohio should pass new gun control laws. I am a mom to five children ages 3-20. I agree that as a mom, our first priority should be keeping...

Rumor Control: U.N. "Disarmament" Memo

As attacks on our Second Amendment rights continue, there is typically a corresponding uptick in the number of internet rumors concerning firearms, ammunition, and gun-control measures. The latest rumor involves the United Nations, a group that indeed poses an ongoing potential threat to our Second Amendment rights. However, this rumor was highly suspect right from the start. Pictures of the...


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