Gun Grabbers

Exposé on grassroots gun rights activism in Ohio funded by the anti-gun Joyce Foundation, but did they get what they hoped for?

by Chad D. Baus The Chicago-based Joyce Foundation has been the primary source of funds for anti-gun rights groups for at least a decade. The Foundation, for which Barack Obama once served as a board member, has funneled millions upon millions of dollars into groups such as the Violence Policy Center (over $3.6 million since 2005), Mayors Against Illegal Guns (over $1.6 million since 2006), the...

Sarah Palin: "Fire Eric Holder"

Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has joined a growing number of people calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to step down in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious, an ATF-led gun-running operation which resulted in more than 2500 guns being smuggled to Mexican drug gangs, and led to the deaths of two, possibly three U.S. agents and more than 200 Mexicans...

No shame: Cleveland Plain Dealer's latest round of anti-gun rights editorials void of journalistic integrity

by Gerard Valentino Just when it seemed like the Ohio establishment media can't sink any lower, the crazed ravings of Chris Evans of The Cleveland Plain Dealer remind us of how far they will go to destroy the private ownership of firearms. The editorials in question should also shatter any notion held by the general public that the establishment media plays fair when it comes to the gun issue...

Mom with Ohio concealed handgun license fires gun to ward off sex offender's violent attack

by Chad D. Baus The Akron Beacon-Journal is reporting that another Ohio concealed handgun license-holder was able to defend herself when attacked by a violent predator. From the article : Outside Shirley Bennett's home in Lakemore hangs a sign that reads: Forget about the dog, beware of the owner. She very well could make a similar sign for her SUV. Bennett, 39, and a card-carrying concealed...

Op-Ed: Let’s honor our veterans by protecting their Second Amendment rights

by Chris Cox This Friday, as we honor the courage and sacrifice of our U.S. military veterans, we should also be mindful of a terrible injustice that too many of them are forced to endure when they come home from the field of battle: the loss of their Second Amendment rights. Today there are roughly 114,000 veterans and veterans’ family members who have had their ability to purchase a firearm in...

Fast, Furious, Feeble...

by Jim Shepherd The old joke about the NCAA's somewhat selective enforcement of basketball rules went like this: "The NCAA's so mad at Kentucky that they're giving Slippery Rock three more years of probation." Translation: the NCAA was going to protect its own even if it sometimes meant the innocent were punished. Seems the Justice Department could work well with the NCAA, at least when it comes...

Headline: "Holder Refuses To Apologize For Murder Of Border Agent; Says Fast & Furious Didn't Lead To Death"

by Chad D. Baus has posted a transcript of testimony by Attorney General Eric Holder, submitted at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing at which he was asked to answer questions about the ATF's "Operation Fast and Furious" gun running scandal, which has led directly to the deaths of two, possibly three U.S. agents and more than 200 Mexicans . In the video, Holder can be seen...

Six Ohio State students victimized in violent robberies, five at gunpoint [UPDATE: make that seven, six at gunpoint]

Columbus' CBS affiliate, WBNS 10TV, reported last week on two separate incidents in which students of The Ohio State university were victimized by armed robbers. From the first article , from October 28: Students shared their stories on Friday after they were robbed at gunpoint. All of the students were robbed near The Ohio State University campus 10TV's Kevin Landers. Jake Calvert said he was...


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