Guns in the News

Sen. Dick Durbin Chairs Divisive "Stand Your Ground" Hearing; Ohio Rep "Fudges" the truth

On October 29th, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing chaired by Sen. Dick Durbin titled, "'Stand Your Ground Laws': Civil Rights and Public Safety Implications of the Expanded Use of Deadly Force." Present were several witnesses who attacked not only SYG laws, but also the Right-to-Carry, and even the American jury system. An overarching theme of the testimony alluded that Americans are...

Cleveland Man Sues City for Return of His Legally-Owned Gun

by Jesse Hathaway Derrick J. Washington of Cleveland has spent nearly nine months fighting city law enforcement officials to retrieve his legally licensed and registered firearm, which is being held as evidence following his arrest after he reported a potential crime in progress. Washington is suing the City of Cleveland in federal court, alleging that the city's policy of requiring citizens to...

Guns & Ammo editor apologizes, fires writer and resigns after publishing column advocating gun control

by Chad D. Baus The editor of Guns & Ammo magazine apologized to readers and resigned after he published a column advocating gun control. In his apology, Editor Jim Bequette admitted that he intended to "generate a healthy exchange of ideas on gun rights" when he published a commentary by Dick Metcalf, who wrote that he supported regulations on firearms. Metcalf's editorial had a different...

Armed Ohio citizens fight crime, shoot back

by Chad D. Baus Law-abiding Ohio citizens continue to exercise their Ohio constitutional "right to bear arms for their defense and security" in incidents around the state. In Toledo, a clerk and a robbery suspect were both shot in what police call a "robbery gone bad" at a local Stop & Go convenience store. One might be prompted to ask the police - is there ever "a robbery gone good?" From...

Op-Ed: "Guns & Ammo" Supports Gun Control

by Robert Farago Click here to download a pdf of Guns & Ammo 's column "Let's Talk Limits." Technical Editor Dick Metcalf penned the editorial for the December issue. Metcalf, a writer whose technical knowledge (or lack thereof) has earned him brickbats before, bases his editorial on a distinction between "infringement" and "regulation." "I bring this up," Metcalf writes, "because way too...

Good and Bad News in Latest Gallup Poll

Gallup's most recent poll on public attitudes toward gun laws shows that anti-gun activists and their friends in elected office and in the media have lost considerable ground over the years, and in the months since the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut in December last year. However, it also shows that both sides in the gun control debate have their work cut out for them in the days ahead. Gallup...

Poll: Columbus-area voters favor armed officers in schools by 2 - 1 margin

by Chad D. Baus The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that, by almost a 2-to-1 ratio, Columbus City Schools voters want an armed police officer in their school. From the article : A new poll by Saperstein Associates for The Dispatch shows support for gun-carrying police across geographic, racial, gender and age boundaries, regardless of whether those answering have a child in Columbus schools. "...

Armed Citizens an Answer to Terrorism? The head of INTERPOL says they might be.

by Jeff Knox The head of the international police organization INTERPOL created a minor stir recently when he suggested that armed civilians might be a more realistic answer to the evolving trend of terrorists attacking "soft targets" like shopping malls, schools, and public events, than trying to "harden" those areas with more physical barriers and police officers. While the comments have been...


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