Guns in the News

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 52

Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report” STARTERS: The Heller Case: Gun Rights Affirmed! will be off press next week! Hurry to get yours while you still can at the discounted pre-press price! This "first edition of history" captures the excitement of "The Case That Saved the Second Amendment." Find out how the antis plan to use the case to eliminate...

Obama's Ohio gun grabber: Persons who shoot home invaders should (still) be guilty until proven innocent

ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof rests on who asserts, not on who denies) - Wikipedia By Chad D. Baus While most people are familiar with the legal right to a presumption of innocence – being innocent until proven guilty – that exists in the modern nations, an Ohio gun ban lobbyist with ties to Barack Obama seems to be quite ignorant about the matter. Having...

Supreme Court Strikes Down City Ordinance Banning Guns in Public Parks

The good news is, we won. The bad news is that three Ohio Supreme Court Justices earnestly believe that government should have the same rights as an individual citizen, and that carrying a gun is no different than leash laws or drinking in a park. Ohio Supreme Court Opinion Summaries The Supreme Court of Ohio held today that a Clyde city ordinance banning possession of firearms in municipal parks...

Obama hopes some gun owners are willing to prostitute the Second Amendment for a paycheck

By Chad D. Baus The past decade as brought about several visible attempts by gun grabbers to masquerade as Second Amendment advocates. One of the more high-profile attempts was launched by billionaire Andrew McKelvey, a former member of the Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI) board of directors. During his time at HCI, McKelvey became convinced that the words "gun control" weren't selling to...

"No-guns" DQ employees pistol-whipped, shot trying to follow robber's orders

By Chad D. Baus The same anti-self-defense crowd that encourages businesses to post "no-guns" signs as a means of promoting "safety" is also fond of saying that the best way to avoid being hurt by a criminal is to just give them what they want, and wait for the police to get there. But once again, persons forced to work in the gun ban extremists' version of a "safe working environment" have found...

Leftist blog calls on Obama to bring gun control back to the campaign trail

By Chad D. Baus Even while former Joyce Foundation board member Barack Obama seeks to cover up his anti-gun past with empty platitudes about an individual right to bear arms that can be "common-sense" limited into oblivion, and while his supporters attempted to make the case that the Supreme Court's ruling on D.C. v. Heller made “Guns a Non-Issue” in the Presidential campaign , there is at least...

Ohio elitists react to Castle Doctrine: "Innocent until proven guilty", OH MY!

By Chad D. Baus When is "innocent until proven guilty" a controversial concept? When is an Ohio law designed to protect a homeowner protecting themselves from an intruder interpreted a license for drug dealers to murder one another? And when are self-defense advocates and rank-and-file cops described as saying it's ok to shoot first and ask questions later? When you are a reporter for the...

CAUTION: Erroneous media reports on Ohio Castle Doctrine implementation

The Cincinnati Enquirer has published a poorly-worded and erroneous article about the implementation of Ohio's Castle Doctrine bill, Senate Bill 184, and the Associated Press wire service has picked up the story and replicated a significant error at news outlets across the state and beyond. From the original Enquirer story , by Jennifer Baker: Changes take effect Monday that will make it easier...


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