Guns in the News

Poll: Majority in U.S. poll support gun ownership rights

CNN is reporting (no doubt with some disappointment) that despite almost a century of attempts by anti-gun Constitutiona revisionists, nearly two-thirds of Americans still know the truth - that the Constitution guarantees each person the right to bear arms. Click 'Read More' for the story. From the story : In all, 65 percent said they thought the Constitution ensures that right, and 31 percent...

Congress passes bill to stop mentally ill from getting guns

The Washington Post is reporting that legislation prompted by the Virginia Tech University shootings has been approved by Congress and sent to the President's desk for signature. The legislation is described as help for states to more quickly and accurately identify potential firearms buyers with mental health problems that disqualify them from gun ownership under federal law. From the story: The...

Op-Ed: Her Own Bodyguard

By Dave Kopel, Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen She was the most famous spokesperson for civil rights, at a time when the idea of equal rights for people of color was very politically incorrect. "We can't afford to have two kinds of citizens," she insisted. "We must have equal citizenship for anybody in our country." And though she was a well-known talker, she also walked the walk. In 1958, at age...

Op-Ed: Founders were straight shooters

By Rory Ryan, Publisher and Editor Hillsboro (OH) Times-Gazette There are amendments to our great Constitution. And then, there are amendments. As every one of us knows, the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, collectively, are known as the Bill of Rights. I'm partial to these initial 10 - of which, I have three personal favorites. Click 'Read More' for additional excerpts from the...

Shootings show value of guns for self-defense

( The following commentary, written by a Buckeye Firearms Association Southwest Ohio volunteer, has been published as a guest editorial in the Cincinnati Enquirer . ) By Jeff Riley The first shooting occurred in a "gun free zone" at the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Neb. Nebraska allows residents who have passed the state's criteria to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense except in prohibited...

To the Editor: Ohioans are sitting ducks

December 17, 2007 Dayton Daily News While we can admire Jeanne Assam as a heroine whose actions saved lives, let's keep in mind that, in Ohio, she'd be facing a jail term right about now. In Ohio, taking a gun into a church is generally against the law, even with a conceal-carry permit. Ohio is effectively a "sitting duck" state: If shots ring out in your church, or in most other public places,...

Editorial: 'Action, not reaction - New Life security an example to follow'

OUR VIEW The (Colorado Springs, CO) Gazette There’s no other way to say it: This past weekend’s shootings at New Life Church and Youth With a Mission were tragedies. Four innocent young people were killed and several others were wounded. Many families have been shattered. Our prayers are with those families and their friends as the deal with these events. We don’t pretend to have the answer to...

Headline: 'Castle doctrine' witness tells of shooting, civil suit

More than a week after the first proponent hearing on Sen. Steve Buehrer's Castle Doctrine legislation (SB184), Columbus This Week 's Michael J. Maurer has become perhaps only the second writer in the state to bother to inform his readers about that it occurred (we'll be eager to see if the Ohio media are as equally willing to ignore the opponent hearing.) The article focuses on testimony from...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.