Guns in the News

Are today's criminals smarter than journalists?

By Chad D. Baus Before the media access loophole was inserted into Ohio's Concealed Handgun License law by Governor Taft as an 11th hour poison pill, legislators in Ohio were warned that newspapers would abuse the law and publish entire lists of concealed handgun license-holders. They were also warned that such lists could then be exploited by criminals wishing to steal firearms, and that...

Two Cincinnati self-defense shootings grab headlines

The Cincinnati Enquirer reported Friday on the second of two self-defense shootings in that city in a matter of days. From the story: Jamie Buck was asleep early Friday when a sledgehammer shattered his side door’s window and a stranger burst into his rented home, demanding money or jewelry. That was the last demand Millard Brandenburg would ever make. Click on 'Read More' to continue the story...

Gun Owners, Child Molesters, and the Free Press

By J. R. Dunn The Roanoke Times is the latest newspaper to discover that just because something can be done does not mean it should be done. As reported by Michelle Malkin and others, the Times on March 11 ran an editorial titled "Shedding Light on Concealed Handguns" announcing that it was publishing a list of everyone in Virginia's New River Valley possessing a concealed carry permit. This type...

Enquirer reporter reveals proof that criminals don't get Ohio CHLs

By Chad D. Baus Greg Korte, the Cincinnati Enquirer reporter who recently found himself in the middle of a lawsuit by sending requests for the list of CHL-holders to all 88 Ohio county sheriffs, has published a blog article that graphically illustrates a fact long-held by this political action committee: Criminals do not apply for concealed handgun licenses, and are not deterred by gun control...

LTE: Assault on 'assault' weapons unsound

March 19, 2007 Zanesville Times-Recorder The recent article by Dan Thomasson maligning the National Rifle Association is a new low, even for him. It appears that old Dan has finally lost control of his senses or is lying in his teeth. Take your pick. The nation's police chiefs have serious problems all right, but so called assault weapons are seldom used in crimes of any kind. The infamous ATF (...

Responding to Brady: The Letter the Blade refused to print

Editor's Note: The following letter was submitted to the Toledo Blade in response to an op-ed written by the John Shanks, Director of the Law Enforcement Relations for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. True to form, Shanks jumped at the opportunity to dance in the blood of a slain Toledo police officer, who died despite a plethora of failed Toledo gun control laws . The anti-gun Blade has...

Plain Dealer: Pro gun 'journalist' seeks lists of permits

The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that "a gun-rights group critical of journalists who have published lists of conceal-and-carry permit holders is now seeking the same information." From the story: Jeff Garvas, president of Ohioans For Concealed Carry Inc., has asked the state's sheriffs for -- and in some cases has received -- the names and addresses of the permit holders, citing his role...

Guns may now be concealed; AP’s anti-gun bias to remain in plain view

By Ken Hanson In another exercise of pointing out bias in reporting, lest we all become so used to it we find it acceptable, John McCarthy of the Ohio Associated Press serves up another heaping serving of bias in his “coverage” of HB347 going into effect. As we examined previously with an example from the Toledo Blade, some of the bias is subtle, some of it not so much. As before, we encourage...


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