Guns in the News

Dispatch Editors on gun bill: Facts vs. Rhetoric (yet again)

By Gerard Valentino In the recent Editorial “Shoot it Down” the Columbus Dispatch once again insults the integrity and intelligence of Ohioans. To claim that allowing legally concealed guns in cars is somehow unsafe for law enforcement officers is laughable. From the story: Because the new bill would remove the requirements that holstered guns and cases be in plain sight, a driver or passenger...

LTE: Concealed-carry law needs some tweaking

March 7, 2006 Columbus Dispatch I respond to the Feb. 21 Dispatch editorial "Aiming to please whom? " I am certain The Dispatch would rally against any issues limiting free speech, yet it prefers to limit, if not forbid, a citizen’s right to bear arms under the U.S. Constitution and Ohio’s concealed-carry law. The editorial failed to point out that the purpose of House Bill 347 is to correct...

Op-Ed: Right-to-carry a feminist issue

Feb. 26, 2006 Delaware News Journal By Megan D. Lehman In the debate over Delaware's concealed-carry gun permits, don't forget the difference between men and women. The average man can physically overpower the average woman; this is a biological fact. The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by men. We women should not have to depend on the men in our lives for protection, nor can we...

Ohio Survey shows Ohioans split on CCW

Toby Hoover is fond of stating that Ohio's almost two year old CCW law is not something wanted by Ohioans. A SurveyUSA/WCPO-TV survey of 500 Ohioans conducted on February 21, 2006 shows something different. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. According to the poll conducted by SurveyUSA and released by WCPO-TV. 48 per cent of respondents believe it should be legal for a licensed gun...

Americans see less crime than Britons, Canadians

February 9, 2006 Washington Times Historians, world leaders and assorted pundits with Yankee bashing in mind have long cultivated the idea that America is a violent place. Not so, says Gallup, which released a report yesterday revealing that the nation is not necessarily Dodge City: The impact of crime is lower in the U.S. than in Britain, and in many cases Canada. "The U.S. is often seen from...

Op-Ed: Americans taking personal protection more seriously than ever

February 8, 2006 Rock River Times (Rockford, IL) The debate over legislative control of guns continues to rage. This summer, the National Rifle Association, the NRA, pulled its 2007 convention out of Columbus, Ohio, after that city passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale or possession of semiautomatic rifles with pistol grips and detachable magazines. The city is the first major city to pass...

Op-Ed: Going postal in gun-free zones

February 6, 2006 By Donald R. May Evildoers like the Goleta killer flaunt their destruction on the world stage. The deranged former postal worker killed six unarmed defenseless Goleta, California postal workers and a former neighbor before turning the gun on herself. As with Muslim terrorists seeking attention for their causes, suicidal murderers rivet our attention to their unhinged...

Op-Ed: Let people defend themselves within the law

February 3, 2006 Atlanta Journal Constitution By Dave Workman Professional doomsayers are preaching paranoia in Georgia because lawmakers are considering a so-called "stand your ground" law that expands and protects an individual's right of self-defense. Predictably, opponents are conducting a campaign of hysteria. In their latest tirade against such legislation, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun...


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