Guns in the News

FALSE FLAG GROUP - The American Rifle and Pistol Association is a FRAUD!

Do you remember the phoney "American Hunters and Shooters Association" that pretended to support gun rights ... but actually advocated more gun control and endorsed (surprise, surprise) Barack Obama? Well, now with the 2014 elections gearing up, another fake gun group has popped up claiming to support "sane" gun ownership. They're called the American Rifle and Pistol Association (or R+P as they...

Criminals get guns by stealing them, not through ‘lax’ laws

The following op-ed by Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson was originally published by The Columbus Dispatch . Republished with permission. In last Friday's story "A conduit for guns," The Dispatch fell victim to an all-too-common error: attempting to use Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) gun-trace data to demonstrate where criminals get their guns...

Support for "universal background check" gun control legislation continues to drop in Ohio

by Chad D. Baus Anyone who follows politics closely knows that, depending on how you ask the question, you can make a poll say almost anything. In the wake of the horrendous attack on Sandy Hook Elementary last December, the media and anti-gun politicians were hell-bent on passing new laws to limit the sale of firearms, even though not one of the suggestions they were proposing would have...

Anti-gun Democrats choose to offer "passive-aggressive publicity stunt" rather than solutions to real problems

by Chad D. Baus Last week, anti-gun Democrats Mike Foley and Bob Hagan introduced House Bill 222, legislation which was immediately termed by the equally anti-gun Cleveland Plain Dealer as nothing more than a "passive-aggressive publicity stunt." From the article : Republicans in Ohio's General Assembly have amended the state budget to include several anti-abortion measures, including a last-...

SAF asks for all Bloomberg-MAIG records from NYC after revelations

Editor's Note: As the battle between New York Second Amendment advocates and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has escalated, it has appeared that Mr. Bloomberg, with his wealth and position pretty much had carte blanche to do what he pleased as he campaigned against guns in the hands of private citizens. But has Mr. Bloomberg used public funds or resources to augment his private efforts?...

Dispatch: Pro-gun group spending big dough to offer arms training for teachers

by Chad D. Baus This week, Buckeye Firearms Foundation announced the launch of an ambitious program. Now that we've created and tested our "active killer" response training program, otherwise known as FASTER (Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response), with 24 teachers, it's time to roll it out on a bigger scale. The Foundation has just announced that it will commit to funding...

Outrage of the Week: Bloomberg Gun Control Group Claims Terrorist was "Victim of Gun Violence"

This week's outrage comes to us from New Hampshire, where New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun group--Mayors Against Illegal Guns--labeled a terrorist as a "victim of gun violence." As part of a gun control rally this week in Concord, a MAIG-sponsored "No More Names" tour bus arrived and anti-gun organizers read the names of those "killed with guns" since the shooting at Sandy Hook...

Press Club of Toledo to host forum on firearms

TOLEDO, OH. -- Gun control and mass shootings are much in the news these days and the Press Club of Toledo has put together a session to educate the news media on the topics. Pressing Issues, a regular program of the Press Club, will feature a panel comprised of a weapons expert, lawman, school administrator, concealed-carry instructor, and a seasoned news manager to discuss the topic from...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.