Guns in the News

March sees 26.3% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 34th straight month over month increase

The March 2013 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,501,730 is an increase of 26.3 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 1,189,152 in March 2012. For comparison, the unadjusted March 2013 NICS figure of 2,197,116 reflects a 28.1 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,715,125 in March 2012. This marks the 34th straight month that...

Best case scenario: Obama and Bloomberg prove they know nothing about the guns they seek to ban

Worst case scenario: They are intentionally lying, and hoping you don't know the difference It has been widely reported that the killer in the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut last year was a semi-automatic AR-15 stolen from its rightful owner. In fact, it was for precisely that reason that President Obama said that gun control will be a "central issue" of his...

State FOP proposes stripping ability of boards of education to arm school employees

by Chad D. Baus If there was any doubt left for Ohioans that the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is an anti-gun rights, anti-Second Amendment organization that cares more about protecting the jobs of its members than it does the very safety of our school children, it should be removed after they hear news that the FOP is pushing to strip the right of Boards of Education to arm staff to protect...

Headline: Local schools analyzing NRA safety recommendations, Firearms group raises funds for teacher training

by Chad D. Baus The Middletown Journal is reporting that Ohio schools are analyzing the results of a recently-released $1 million, 225-page study on school safety funded by the NRA. From the article : Schools should train selected staff members to carry weapons and should each have at least one armed security officer to make students safer and allow a quicker response to an attack, the director...

Op-Ed: Race and the Gun Debate

The No. 1 cause of death for African-American men between the ages of 15 and 34: being murdered with a gun. by Juan Williams This week much of the talk about gun control concerns New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's $12 million ad campaign to put pressure on senators in key states to support legislation that he backs. Or the talk is about the National Rifle Association's pushback against the...

Biden: Gun-Ban Legislation "Just the Beginning" -- Pelosi: "Not the End of the Day for this Issue"

[Last] week, Vice-President Joe Biden, and House Minority Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), showed us--once again--how thorough their contempt is for our Constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights. According to a Washington Times article, on a Wednesday conference call organized by "Mayors Against Illegal Guns," Biden referred to current anti-gun legislation and told his anti-gun...

Sen. Rob Portman issues strong statement condemning gun control proposals in D.C. and the U.N.

"I support the good work being done here in Ohio to provide appropriate training to teachers and administrators who have permission from their local school boards to carry." - United States Senator Rob Portman by Chad D. Baus As a candidate for the U.S. Senate, Republican Rob Portman was unabashed in his support for the Second Amendment. In September 2010 his campaign released a flyer which...

U.N. Passes gun Control Treaty: International and National Gun Battles Looming

by Jim Shepherd With yesterday's passage of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, the Obama administration added more fuel to the fire of critics who refer to the "imperial presidency" rather than the "current administration." Reversing previous national policy to endorse a gun control treaty that would essentially allow the United Nations to have the final say on any firearms exports, the...


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