National Politics

Buckeye Firearms Association volunteer recounts his time at the D.C. Tea Party Express on 9.12

By John Litle Joining forced with supporters of individual liberty from across the nation, and from across the spectrum of political issues, second amendment supporters descended on the nation on September 12, 2009. This is just one "astro-turf tea-partier's" experience. Like most people joining the Tea Party Express in Washington, D.C. this past weekend, I'm not a member of any organized...

More northeast Ohio mayors suspicious about how their names were added to Bloomberg's gun control list

Long-time gun control activist Lori O'Neill signed up several mayors after speaking to the Northeast Ohio Mayors and City Managers' Association By Chad D. Baus Amidst news of an increasing number of mayors in Ohio and across the country who are resigning from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control front group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) , and in the wake of questions over whether...

Senate votes to allow Amtrak riders to carry guns in their checked baggage

The Associated Press reported recently that the U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to permit riders on the Amtrak passenger railroad to transport handguns in their checked baggage. The report says the proposal was approved by a 68-to-30 vote, and would give Amtrak riders rights comparable to those enjoyed by airline passengers, who are permitted to transport firearms provided that they declare they are...

Buckeye Firearms Association volunteer leaders deliver Second Amendment speeches at 9.12 Tea Parties

For those who couldn't join the more than one million people protesting massive government spending in Washington D.C. on 9.12, smaller events like it were held in cities and towns across the country. Buckeye Firearms Foundation Treasurer Gerard Valentino spoke to several hundred attendees at an event in Mansfield, and Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Chad D. Baus spoke at a rally in Wauseon...

Debate on “Regulatory Czar” Ended By U.S. Senate

Vote Held Despite Senator's Attempt to Put Hold on Nomination On Wednesday, September 9 the U.S. Senate voted to end debate on the nomination of one of the most outspoken animal rights, anti-hunting, and anti- Second Amendment individuals to a high government position. By a 63-35 vote, cloture was invoked and debate stopped on the nomination of Cass Sunstein to serve as the head of the Office of...

NRA-ILA applauds Ohio Congressman Zack Space in August newsletter

The National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislation Action highlighted Ohio Congressman Zack Space (D-18) in the latest edition of "Freedom's Voice", the organization's official newsletter. Space, a 2008 Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee, has lived up to his promise to voters when it comes to support for gun rights. He introduced similar BATFE reform legislation immediately after...

"King George" Voinvich attempting to convince his "subjects" he still supports the Second Amendment

By Jim Irvine On July 22, 2009, Senator George Voinovich (R-Ohio) voted against a national reciprocity amendment that would have allowed persons with a concealed handgun license to carry their guns in most other states (Amendment 1618 to S1390). Later, in trying to explain his vote, Voinovich told told editors at the Columbus Dispatch that the Republican party's biggest problem is that Ohioans...

Sportsman Groups Push for Sunstein Defeat

Sportsmen Need to "Man the Battle Stations" and Block the "Czar" By Greg R. Lawson Battle lines between sportsmen and anti-hunting extremists seem to be hardening with each passing day. Frighteningly, it looks to get worse as a major anti-hunter is on the verge of setting up residence in a federal office with the power to block pro-sportsmen regulations for years to come. Cass R. Sunstein may not...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.