Ohio Legislation

Odd Cast of Characters assaulting Statehouse today

It's quite a diverse bunch that have assembled together today for the third Senate committee hearing on HB12. They're joined at the hip - all for the purpose of defeating attempts to restore your right to self-defense. • The Ohio Chamber of Commerce is testifying in opposition to language which prevents businesses from banning firearms from your personal vehicle in their parking lots. But...

Rep. Young (R-63) Introduces HB169 - Statewide Firearms Law Preemption

Rep. Ron Young, a Leroy Township Republican, has introduced HB169, along with 16 co-sponsors, that would preempt local laws which restrict the right to "own, possess, purchase, otherwise acquire, transport, carry, sell, or otherwise transfer a firearm, a firearm component, or ammunition for a firearm". OFCC PAC Commentary: We applaud the House's efforts to keep the issue of legal self-defense on...

House Bill 12 receives second hearing in Senate committee

Representatives from Ohioans For Concealed Carry and OFCC PAC were on hand today at the Statehouse, as HB12 received it's second hearing in the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. A short summary of the hearing follows. One representative each from the National Rifle Association and Ohioans For Concealed Carry testified, and answered questions before the committee. An NRA spokesperson testified...

HB12: Senate PROPONENT hearing scheduled May 7

House Bill 12 has been added to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice's agenda for proponent testimony only on May 7 at 9:00 a.m. in the North Hearing Room, Second Floor, Senate Building. UPDATE! Senator Austria's office has offered additional clarification on the purpose for Wednesday's 1st proponent hearing for HB12. This first proponent hearing, the Chairman is asking to hear...

House Bill 12 receives first hearing in Senate committee

Representatives from Ohioans For Concealed Carry and OFCC PAC were on hand today at the Statehouse, as HB12 received it's first hearing in the Senate Commitee on Criminal Justice. A complete summary of the hearing may be accessed by clicking on the "Read More..." link below. Sponsor Jim Aslanides testified, and answered questions. Following is a summary from the hearing. Consider all comments as...

House Bill 12 slated for Senate consideration

House Bill 12 has been added to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice 's agenda for sponsor testimony only on April 30 at 9:00 a.m. in the North Hearing Room, Second Floor, Senate Building. Due to security checkpoints, it is recommended that those planning to attend should ARRIVE MUCH EARLIER. Citizens are more than welcome to attend. But remember, THIS IS SPONSOR TESTIMONY ONLY...

House Bill 12 to have first hearing in Senate

House Bill 12 has been added to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice 's agenda for sponsor testimony only on April 9 at 9:00 a.m. in the North Hearing Room, Second Floor, Senate Building. Due to security checkpoints, it is recommended that those planning to attend should ARRIVE MUCH EARLIER. Citizens are more than welcome to attend. But remember, THIS IS SPONSOR TESTIMONY ONLY...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.