Ohio Politics

Grassroots persistence pays: ODOT removes ''No-guns'' signs from state garages

By Chad D. Baus Recently, I wrote a piece examining the importance of pro-gun grassroots activism vs. anti-gun mega-foundation funding, in an investigation that compared media claims that money bought Ohio's concealed carry law to proof that grassroots efforts were what truly made the difference. In this column, I'd like to offer proof of how volunteer grassroots activism (and persistence) gets...

Winburn ads blame Cincinnati city leadership for crime

The Cincinnati Enquirer is reporting that a Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee and candidate for mayor of Cincinnati has taken out television commercials that correctly focus the need for solutions to that city's crime problems on taking criminals off the streets. From the story: Republican Charlie Winburn's first television ad follows a series of direct mail pieces that emphasized his tough-...

US Sportsmen Alliance Ohio Legislature Sportsmen's Caucus

By Larry S. Moore The US Sportsmen Alliance (USSA) was formed in the 1970s following a trapping issue on the Ohio ballot. The group was originally named the Wildlife Legislative Fund of America. The name was changed to USSA a few years ago to better reflect the nature of their activities. USSA is a national organization headquartered in Columbus. They work with a broad range of sportsmen issues...

Betty “Just call me Kerry” Montgomery begins chase for gun vote

By Chad D. Baus In a move reminiscent of John Kerry’s infamous Ohio goose shoot, at which a camo-clad Kerry proclaimed that he was "too lazy" to carry his bird off the hunting field, there are growing indications that gubernatorial-hopeful Betty Montgomery is trying to squeeze into her own camouflage pants suit as she makes her bid for the 2006 Republican gubernatorial primary. It was only a few...

Time to register ''assault weapons''... But do Columbus criminals care?

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that starting Aug. 11, "assault weapons" owners will have 90 days to register their guns or risk being charged with a crime. Owners must register guns Columbus law now classifies as assault weapons, but city officials say they won’t make them trek to an office to do it. From the story: Some city officials had proposed requiring all assaultweapons owners to...

Montgomery fundraising trails Blackwell and Petro almost 2 to 1 in 2005

The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that State Auditor and anti-concealed-carry gubernatorial primary candidate Betty Montgomery was out-paced on fundraising nearly 2 to 1 by her Republican counterparts Ken Blackwell and Jim Petro in the first half of 2005. According to reports filed Friday, Montgomery collected just $670,000, compared to Blackwell's $1.2 million, and Petro's $1.1 million...

Dispatch: City asks judge to throw out challenge to gun ban

The Columbus Dispatch is reported recently that Columbus city attorneys have asked a judge to dismiss a lawsuit challenging Columbus’ assault-weapons ban. From the story: Assistant city attorneys Joshua T. Cox and Daniel W. Drake filed a motion yesterday to dismiss the suit because they said Franklin County Probate Court doesn’t have jurisdiction. The motion also says Phil Harmon, a lawyer...

Dispatch: Columbus doesn’t plan to track weapons ban

"Don't judge us by our results. Judge us by our intentions." This is the message being sent by the City government in Columbus and other Ohio cities with so-called assault weapons bans on the books. The Columbus Dispatch is reported Sunday (instead of before passage of that city's ban, when it might have made a difference) that "banning guns has produced loud arguments, but very little hard data...


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