Ohio Politics

AGAIN: Senate Republicans leave town with unfinished business

The Ohio Senate Republican leadership, under direction of President Doug White, has once again left Columbus without appointing conferees. They will not return to session until after the 2003 Election, and then are only scheduled for one day in November, and a few tentative days in December. In another disappointment, Senate President White has informed Tony Gordon Memorial 'Defense' Walk...

Cleveland: public officials AND criminals give welcome to tourists

In an October 15 editorial, the Cleveland Plain Dealer is singing the praises of reformers who are promising to root out corruption in the Greater Cleveland Convention and Visitors Bureau. "The bureau - which gets more than four-fifths of its budget from taxes on hotel guests - was rocked last spring by news reports of spending on travel, meals and sports outings that seemed to benefit bureau...

Defenseless Toledo ''mall employee raped twice in 4-hour ordeal''

An employee at a store at Westfield Shoppingtown Franklin Park was forced into her car at knifepoint by a man who raped her in her vehicle at a nearby apartment complex, drove her around for several hours, and sexually assaulted her again in South Toledo. As the 41-year-old Toledo woman walked to her car in the parking lot at the West Toledo mall around 9:10 p.m. Monday, the man approached her...

Rep. Jon Husted likely next Ohio House Speaker

Husted’s rival as speaker drops out Dayton Daily News October 2, 2003 COLUMBUS | State Rep. Jon Husted's chief rival in the bid to be the next House Speaker backed out of the race and threw his support behind Husted, increasing the likelihood that the next House speaker and Senate president could both be from the Dayton area. "I am no longer a candidate for speaker and I will be supporting Jon,"...

Violent victimization of Ohioans (& Senate obstruction of HB12) continues

The fight to restore the right to bear arms for self-defense has always been about two key issues: 1) Allowing citizens the right to choose not to be a victim. 2) Lowering violent crime. Amongst the many 'Defense' Walk headlines, Ohio newspapers are filled with stories of continued victimations by criminals who could care less if concealed weapons are illegal, and who are well aware that their...

Ohio Poll: Taft disapproval numbers at 46%

They say it's about Party solidarity. It looks more like they're tying lines to a sinking ship. According to the latest Ohio Poll, released Wednesday by the University of Cincinnati’s Institute for Policy Research, there are more Ohioans unhappy with the job Taft is doing than there are those who approve. According to the poll, the governor’s disapproval rating is at 46 percent. Only 44 percent...

What's race got to do with it? A LOT.

As I described in my recent walk through the "Safest Neighborhood in the State" , I mentioned that the most enjoyable part of my day was spent speaking to the many African-Americans who attended the event. I can honestly say that while we are often led to believe that minorities are nearly a block-vote against concealed carry legislation, EVERY single person of a minority race I spoke with at the...

OFCC PAC Announces 2003 Endorsees

It would be impossible to research every local race in the state of Ohio for an off-year election. But there are a few contests which have peaked our interest, some because they are between pro-Conceal Carry Reform candidates and out-and-out liberal anti-gunners, and others because we wish to support pro-CCW candidates in positions that could one day lead them to the Statehouse or Governor's...


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