Ohio Politics

Six Ohio State students victimized in violent robberies, five at gunpoint [UPDATE: Again...so make that seven, six at gunpoint]

Columbus' CBS affiliate, WBNS 10TV, reported last week on two separate incidents in which students of The Ohio State university were victimized by armed robbers. From the first article , from October 28: Students shared their stories on Friday after they were robbed at gunpoint. All of the students were robbed near The Ohio State University campus 10TV's Kevin Landers. Jake Calvert said he was...

2010 Second Amendment March featuring Yost and Husted sparks proposed rule change: Statehouse grounds to be no-guns victim zone?

by Chad D. Baus The Columbus Dispatch reported recently that on October 20 the unelected Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board voted to prohibit concealed guns on the property surrounding the Statehouse. From the article : "The thought was that the board wants to be proactive as we continue to have more events outside," said Gregg Dodd, the board's deputy director. "The board's intent is to...

Ohio firearm inventor honored at Works Museum - you are invited

Republished with permission of the Ohio Gun Collector's Association. (OGCA) "The Art of War" art gallery exhibit at The Works museum in Newark, Ohio will highlight the advancement of weaponry and contributions made to the Remington Gun Company by an industrious Ohio inventor, Joseph Rider. The heart of this exhibit, "The Rider," is a biography of Rider's life-long successes, inventions and his 25...

Caught on video: Anti-gun Columbus Mayor Coleman comes unhinged

by Chad D. Baus As many of our readers are aware, Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman has consistently worked against the Second Amendment and the Constitution during his long term as mayor. The Ohio chairman of the anti-gun group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), Coleman and his city council enacted an unenforceable assault weapons ban in 2005, which caused the NRA to pull plans to hold their...

Ohio pols begin to weigh in on Republican presidential candidates

by Chad D. Baus Although it appears Ohio Republicans will not get to vote in a presidential primary until it is already decided (the primary has been moved back from its usual March Super Tuesday spot to near the back of the line in June 2012), GOP political figures in the Buckeye State have begun to weigh in on who they believe should be the nominee to face Obama. The Dayton Daily News is...

Gallup: Record-Low 26% in U.S. Favor Handgun Ban; Majority Oppose Ban on So-Called Assault Weapons

Support for stricter gun laws in general is lowest Gallup has measured by Chad D. Baus A new Gallup poll has found that a record-low 26% of Americans favor a legal ban on the possession of handguns in the United States other than by police and other authorized people. According to the article, when Gallup first asked Americans this question in 1959, 60% favored banning handguns. But since 1975,...

Columbus: Vote anti-gun Coleman out of office on Nov. 8

by Linda Walker Voters in Columbus will have the opportunity to kick anti-gun Mayor Michael Coleman to the curb on Nov. 8. Mayor Coleman has consistently worked against the Second Amendment and the Constitution during his long term as mayor. In 2005, Coleman and his city council enacted the unenforceable assault weapons ban. The National Rifle Association had planned to bring the NRA's Annual...

Headline: "Guns in bars cause no problems, local law officials say they have seen no real issues"

by Chad D. Baus Lorain Morning Journal reporter Bill Delaney has done what few in the media are going to be willing to do - compare the claims of what opponents said would happen when Ohio's restaurant carry law went into effect with the reality that is being experienced so far. From the article : Almost a month ago, at midnight on Sept. 30, Senate Bill 17 became law, allowing concealed carry...


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