Ohio Politics

Guest editorials offer island of truth in a sea of misinformation and lies about Ohio Restaurant Carry legislation

by Jim Irvine & Chad D. Baus After the Ohio Senate passed its version of Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix legislation, SB17, Ohio's newspapers quickly carpet-bombed their readers with slanted, misleading and out-right false articles and editorials about the issue. ("The sky is falling!") Despite their efforts, the Ohio House passed its own version of the important legislation, HB45. The...

FLASH: House Speaker says SB17 (Restaurant/Car Carry Rules Fix) will move in the House before summer recess, be sent to governor

Three weeks after his chamber passed its version of Restaurant & Carry Carry Rules Fix legislation, Speaker William Batchelder (R-Medina) is saying that his chamber plans to move the Senate's version (SB17) this month, before the General Assembly breaks for the summer. From the Dayton Daily News : The constitution requires Kasich and the lawmakers to agree on a balanced budget by June 30, but...

How They See Us: Ohio's police lobbying organizations vs. the law-abiding gun owner

by Gerard Valentino The Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio, Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) and other police lobbying organizations continue to protest every pro-gun bill introduced in Ohio. Their record includes opposition to legal concealed carry, Castle Doctrine, concealed carry in cars, and now they are opposing legal carry in restaurants. As each pro-gun reform was introduced,...

NRA: Buckeye Firearms Foundation win over City of Cleveland "a long-awaited and major victory for Ohio gun owners"

Fairfax, Va. -- Today, the Cuyahoga County Court struck down the City of Cleveland's scheme of restrictive gun laws still on the books despite Ohio law, which clearly prohibits such municipal gun ordinances. The Court ruled in favor of gun owners in the National Rifle Association-supported case of Buckeye Firearms Foundation, Inc. v. City of Cleveland . "This is a long-awaited and major victory...

Attorney General announces First Quarter 2011 CHL statistics; Ohio Concealed Carry numbers continue to climb

By Jim Irvine Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the first quarter of 2011. At the end of March, we had an all-time record of approximately 228,088 Ohio residents licensed to carry concealed firearms. (See chart) The Ohio House recently passed HB45, a bill that would allow license-holders to carry concealed into Ohio restaurants...

Victim of an on-campus rape publicly shares the story of her horrific attack, fights to overturn campus carry bans

[Editor's Note: The following article should take on a whole new meaning for people in the Buckeye State when they consider that the Ohio State (University) Police are currently investigating five possible rapes on campus at OSU. ] by Chad D. Baus FOXNews.com recently reported that lawmakers across the country are debating whether universities should let students and faculty with permits carry...

Kasich's enemies happy to offer advice on how he can supposedly gain support by turning his back on gun owners

by Chad D. Baus With both the House and Senate having passed similar versions of Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix legislation, the media now know their anti-self-defense editorial and biased news-coverage campaign has failed, and their hopes for stopping the bill up in the House have withered. Instead, the new focus is on encouraging Republican Governor John Kasich to go back on the...

Guns are not allowed in Restaurants: The forensic examination of the anti-gun claims

by Ken Hanson, Esq. Ohio has now passed bills in the House and Senate that would allow concealed carry licensees to carry firearms in liquor facilities. Since this legislative action is contrary to the editorial position of Ohio's major newspapers, and since editors such as The Columbus Dispatch 's Joe Hallett cannot allow facts to interfere with their own biases , it is left to Buckeye Firearms...


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