Ohio Politics

Restaurant/ Car Carry legislation likely stalled until after November elections

by Jim Irvine Last week we asked you to make phone calls to your State Representatives in an attempt to move two bills to Governor Strickland before the summer recess. Thank you to each of you who picked up the phone answered our call for action. Unfortunately, we were not successful. Phone calls are no longer needed. While we share your frustration that Speaker Budish and the Democrat-controlled...

Anti-gun Ohio newspaper editorial board member embraces "denial" like a baby does his "binky"

de·ni·al - "An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings." - The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary by Ken Hanson, Esq. In a May 30, 2010 column, Cleveland Plain Dealer editorial board member and columnist Thomas Suddes says, " Just hand Ohio to the gun nuts and get it over with ." While I would like to oblige him,...


We need your IMMEDIATE help to get two important pro-gun bills passed. S.B. 239 removes the restriction on carrying within a restaurant or bar that serves alcohol, so long as the licensed person does not consume alcohol and is not under the influence of any intoxicant. S.B. 239 also removes the micro-managing of carrying while in a car. S.B. 247 makes technical changes to Ohio law to fix our...

FLASH: Ohio Senate passes SB239 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) and SB247 (Restoration of Rights)

The Ohio Senate has passed Senate Bill 239, which will allow citizens who hold a valid concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry a firearm in restaurants. To do so, license holders may not consume any alcohol and must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. According to OpenCarry.org , 42 states (including every state that borders Ohio) allow non-drinking license holders to carry firearms...

Letter to Legislator: "There is simply no such thing as a 'gun show loophole.'"

Editor's Note: The following letter was submitted by Buckeye Firearms Region Leader Larry S. Moore to a legislator who made comments to the media regarding the mythical "gun show loophole." Have you contacted your own legislator to inform them of the truth? The letter below provides an excellent template... May 2, 2010 The Honorable State Representative Clayton Luckie 77 S. High St 13th Floor...

Ohio Wildlife Officers Indicted

By Larry S. Moore The situation with the indictments of the Brown County Wildlife Officer plus the Ohio Division of Wildlife Chief, Assistant Chief, District 5 (Xenia) Manager, Law Enforcement Administrator and Human Resources Administrator is widely reported. (See links below and the Buckeye Forum) There are lots of questions, rumors, counter-rumors and confusion over the case. First, a full...

Ohio Attorney General files merit brief defending constitutionality of statewide preemption law

By Ken Hanson, Esq. Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray, via the Solicitor General, filed a strong merit brief on Tuesday May 12 in support of Ohio's "preemption" law, R.C. 9.68. This law was enacted via HB347, which passed with overwhelming support in December 2006 over Governor Bob Taft's veto. HB347 remains the only veto-override in Ohio in the past three decades. As I noted at the time of...

Attorney General announces First Quarter 2010 CHL statistics

By Jim Irvine Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray (D) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the first quarter of 2010. At the end of March, we had an all-time record of 188,665 Ohio residents licensed to carry concealed firearms. (See chart) During this election year, more politicians are touting their pro-gun stances and seeking our endorsements for use in radio and...


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