Ohio Politics

Polls show upswing toward GOP among Ohio voters

According to two polls released this week by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, "the Democratic wave that swept through Ohio in 2006 and 2008 may be cresting." Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland's lead over former Congressman and Fox News show host John Kasich in the 2010 race for reelection has evaporated into a 40 - 40 percent tie, with Ohio voters seeing the possible Republican challenger as...

FLASH: Cleveland appellate court ignores previous Supreme Court decision, rules Ohio preemption law unconstitutional

The 8th Ohio District Court of Appeals has sided with Cleveland in the city's fight to enforce its illegal local gun control ordinances. A three judge panel has declared that Ohio R.C 9.68 - which became law in 2007 with passage of HB347 to preempt local gun control and ensure statewide uniformity of gun laws - is unconstitutional.

Sometimes Criminals Walk Among Us: Self-Enforcement is Key at Gun Shows

By Gerard Valentino The national establishment media is getting a lot of mileage from another of New York Mayor Bloomberg's dirty tricks. In this case, the Mayor sent private investigators to gun shows in several states to prove that illegal gun trafficking is taking place, and that criminals can easily buy firearms in unregulated private transactions. Video collected at several guns shows showed...


Polls will be open across the state of Ohio and around the nation today, and once again, pro-gun voters will have a disproportionate impact on the election outcome here in the Buckeye state. Although there are 11 million voters in Ohio, about 4 million are ineligible to vote, either by age or lack of registering. And out of the 7 million registered voters, precedent suggests that only a little...

Gun Shows Need to be Proactive to Survive

By Publius Mayor Bloomberg's "investigation" of gun shows in Ohio presents an opportunity for gun owners in the Buckeye state - an opportunity that we must seize if gun shows are to survive. The choice facing us is simple: Change how gun shows operate, or gun shows will be legislated/litigated out of business. The loss of gun shows would be a devastating blow to the First Amendment rights of gun...

Ohio Liberty Council holds town hall forum on Issue 2

On Election Day 2009, Ohio voters will be asked to decide on Issue 2, a ballot initiative which would amend the Ohio constitution to create a livestock board appointed by the governor that would set standards for livestock care in Ohio. While Buckeye Firearms Association determined that this issue falls too far outside of our mission , others including the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance , are...

Buckeye Firearms Chairman Jim Irvine debates Bloomberg crony on gun show "loophole"

By Chad D. Baus On October 20, 2009, Buckeye Firearms Chairman Jim Irvine appeared as a guest on WCPN's (Clevland Public Radio) "The Sound of Ideas," hosted by Dan Moulthrop. In a typical display of your tax dollars at work on the "impartial" forum of National Public Radio (NPR), the opening half of the show was given solely to one of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's cronies - John Feinblatt,...

Buckeye Firearms Association issues endorsements in several local races

As a part of our focus on general firearms issues, this political action committee continues to direct our attention to a variety of local races in the state of Ohio for off-year elections. This year, there are a few contests which pique the interest of Buckeye Firearms Association, some because they are between pro-gun candidates and out-and-out liberal anti-gunners, and others because we wish...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.