Ohio Politics

Ted Strickland goes on offense; highlights gun bill stalled in Senate

More than a year ago, when Democratic congressman Ted Strickland announced his candidacy for governor, we asked the question: What will a pro-gun Democrat do to the Ohio governor's race? We noted that in recent years, the pickings for Ohio gun owners have been slim when it came to the governors' race. Whether it was George Voinovich or Bob Taft, the OhioGOP simply has not had much to offer people...

Comparison of Two Governors

By Larry S. Moore Two stories in the national press about Florida and Governor Jeb Bush this week caught my attention. The first appeared in the Weekly Standard , and the second in the Orlando Sentinel . The Weekly Standard story proclaims that if his name was anything but Bush he'd be the next President of the US. The article expresses the opinion that Gov. Jeb Bush is the best governor in the...

Get Involved - Make a Difference

By Chad D. Baus Whenver acting in an official role for this political action committee, I am a one-issue, non-partisan operative. But like most grassroots firearms activists, I am involved on a personal level in many other areas of politics than just advocating for pro-gun legislation. From being involved in various ways local politics and campaigns to testifying in Columbus on other types of...

The Ohio GOP Senate Leadership and the Selling Out of Gun Owners

By Gerard Valentino Ohio’s Senate has recessed for the summer without moving on HB347 which would fix many of the poison pills in Ohio’s current concealed carry law and create statewide preemption for gun laws, which greatly affects the hunting and sport shooting community. Their decision to do so was a slap in the face to over 70,000 concealed license holders and up to 500,000 hunters and...

The 2006 General Election – A Hobson’s Choice for a GOP Gun Owner

By Publius Ohio has attempted to pass liberalized firearms laws for over a decade, always under Republican-controlled administrations. This 12+ years of Republican “leadership” resulted in Ohio being one of the very last states to adopt concealed carry, while also having the distinction of being the worst “shall issue” concealed carry law in the United States. As we have attempted to improve our...

MEMORIAL DAY 2006: In 1788, Ohio law required ALL men aged 16-50 to bear arms

(Originally posted by the Cincinnati Enquirer and on this website July 25, 2003) Ohio Moments Soldiers fined 50 cents for lack of weaponry On July 25, 1788, the first Ohio law to establish and regulate a militia was published in Marietta. It mandated all men between 16 and 50 perform military duty. They were required to arm themselves with a musket and bayonet, a cartridge box, powder horn, one...

Op-Ed: Taft's Last Chance to Help the Party He's Hurting

By Gerard Valentino (This commentary has also been published at CNSNews.com ) The Ohio Republican Party still is reeling from several high profile scandals, including a misdemeanor ethics conviction against current Governor Bob Taft. Taft, with his dismal 14% approval rating, has emerged as the greatest threat to the Republican Party retaining control of Ohio's executive and legislative branch...

What should gun owners make of a DDN warning about Ted Strickland?

By Chad D. Baus In commentary that appeared this week in the Dayton Daily News, staff writer Martin Gottlieb provides an alleged history of Ted Strickland on the gun issue. The op-ed begins like this: Ted Strickland is supposed to be a different kind of Democrat. That image is built largely around the gun issue. The shorthand description of Strickland in the national media is generally some...


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