Sports and Hunting

Sportsmen Should Tell 'American Idol': No "Home Sweet Home" for HSUS

Sportsmen should contact Fox Broadcasting, the company that airs American Idol , immediately. They should be told that country music star Carrie Underwood's rendition of "Home Sweet Home" isn't so sweet for the millions of sportsmen who will be attacked by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) after they make money off the tune. According to Carrie Underwood's official website, the song...

Obama's National Park Service declares ban on use of lead ammo and sinkers in national parks!

Editor's Note: We hate to have to say "we told you so" to the sportsmen who bought into the lie that Obama would protect their right to hunt and fish, but...we told you so. The United States Sportsmen's Alliance is urging sportsmen nationwide to immediately contact their U.S. representatives and senators, and to "ask your congressman and two U.S. senators to urge the Obama Administration to stop...

Pro-Obama faux gun group discovers they were used

"We believe recent attacks on Senator Obama's stand on the 2nd Amendment and his commitment to our hunting and shooting heritage are unfair and American Hunters and Shooters Association is stepping up to set the record straight. ...Senator Obama will be a strong and authentic voice for America's hunters and shooters and it is with great pleasure that we endorse his candidacy." - Ray Schoenke,...

Hunters, Target Shooters and Industry Provide $336 Million for Wildlife and Education

NEWTOWN, Connecticut-- When a target shooter purchases a box of ammunition or a hunter a new deer rifle, wildlife in America benefits. Every sportsman and woman contributes to a system that has been responsible for supporting healthy wildlife populations of both game and non-game species for the last 70 years. The contributions, in the form excise taxes paid on sporting firearms, ammunition and...

League of Ohio Sportsmen names State Senator Jimmy Stewart "2008 Conservation Legislator of the Year"

By Larry S. Moore The League of Ohio Sportsmen recently recognized State Senator Jimmy Stewart (R-Athens) as the 2008 Conservation Legislator of the Year. The award was present at the 101st annual League Convention which was held in Marietta, Ohio. Senator Stewart was recognized for his sponsorship and leadership in fighting wildlife poaching in Ohio.

GOP Senate candidate Rob Portman addresses League of Ohio Sportsmen

By Larry S. Moore The League of Ohio Sportsmen recently held their 101st annual convention in Marietta, Ohio. I attended for a portion of the conference and the evening banquet. In addition to talking sportsmen and conservation club leaders from around Ohio, I wanted to hear Rob Portman's key note address. Portman is the announced Republican candidate for the Senate seat being vacated by Senator...


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