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Tale of Two Cities: Findlay man beaten & robbed, Anderson man defends self

Police said Jack K. George, a delivery worker for Domino's Pizza, was confronted by two men at 1801 Brookside Drive at about 9:45 p.m. Wednesday, and one of the suspects hit him in the head with a wooden club.

Police said George had pulled into a driveway at the Brookside Drive residence to deliver two pizzas when he was approached by a man.

That man asked George to follow him to the rear of the home so he could get money to pay for the pizzas. After getting to the back of the house, George said the man turned to walk to the front of the house and when George turned to look, he was struck in the head.

George fell to the ground and dropped a bag containing the pizzas. He was then confronted by a man with a wooden club who asked George several times for his money bag.

Meanwhile, in a state that allows its law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense, a different outcome resulted when this elderly man was confronted by a man with a knife:

Click on the Read More..." link below for the full story.

The Herald-Bulletin, Anderson, IN

"Give me all you got, buddy," a knife-wielding robber ordered Anderson, Ind., resident Link Oliver as he walked down the street. The 61-year-old man responded by drawing a handgun. Oliver tried to lead his adversary to a nearby store, but the man dropped the knife and ran away.

• Could the lifting of Ohio's unconstitutional ban on carrying a concealed weapon for self-defense have spared this Findlay pizza man?

Contact information for the area's elected officials is provided below:

State House of Representatives
>Rep. Mike Gilb (R-76)
Phone: (614) 466-3819
Fax: (614) 644-9494

State Senate
>Sen. Lynn Wachtmann (R-1)
Phone: (614) 466-8150

Click here to read the entire story from the Findlay Courier.

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