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Teenager pulls gun during fight in Newark park

This is the kind of thing we are told by bureaucrats in the City of Clyde and Toledo to fear if guns are allowed in parks. The trouble is, all the gun control laws in the world didn't stop this 18-year old from getting a gun. Do they really believe a "no-guns" sign would have helped keep him out of this public park?

May 6, 2005
Newark Advocate

A 13-year-old Newark boy told police an 18-year-old man pulled a gun on him and made threatening remarks during a fight Wednesday at Flory Park.

A Licking County Juvenile Court probation officer happened to be passing by the park at about 2:30 p.m., saw the fight and broke it up.

A .25-caliber semi-automatic handgun and a single round of live .25-caliber ammunition was recovered at the scene, Newark Police Capt. Al Zellner said.

According to a Newark police report, the 13-year-old boy suffered apparent minor injuries from the altercation.

Click here to read the complete story in the Newark Advocate.

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