Tell Your U.S. Senators to SAY NO to More Federal Gun Control
President Biden recently called for legislators to move bills that ban ordinary, commonly-owned rifles and standard-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
These measures would infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners while doing NOTHING to reduce violent crime by criminals who routinely ignore the law.
Every time there is a high-profile mass murder, such as the recent active killer incident in Colorado, gun control advocates rush to pass new laws even though these laws have been tried repeatedly with no effect.
A 10-year federal ban on common AR-15 style rifles from 1994 to 2004, for example, failed to produce any results. And current laws in Colorado already include universal background checks, a ban on so-called "high-capacity" magazines, and even a "red flag" law. What good did they do?
CLICK HERE to take action now and contact your U.S. Senators. Tell them to SAY NO to more federal gun control.
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