Uncertainty over CHL fee change keeps authorities jumping
Almost immediately after we broke the news that changes effecting Ohio firearm laws were included in the House Bill 1, the two year budget adopted by the Ohio General Assembly, we began receiving questions on when the changes were going to be implemented.
The question has proved rather difficult to answer, even a month after the bill was passed and signed into law. In fact, we have received reports that some sheriffs have already begun charging the higher fee, based on a letter from the Attorney General's office that was later revised.
The reason for the confusion rests mainly in the nature of a budget bill. Usually the budget bill goes into effect immediately after signature and filing on budgetary matters, but only after 90 days for non-budgetary items. The fee increases and decreases are clearly budgetary, but the corresponding changes in application forms and background check process is not purely budgetary, yet one cannot go into effect without the other.
Our best position is that the changes, including a CHL fee increase to $67 and CHL renewal fee reduction to $50, will take effect in 90 days from the date the bill was signed, or on October 17, 2009.
If you are aware of any sheriffs charging the new fee before that time, or of any evidence that suggests another effective date, please forward that to us so we can follow up.
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