The Uninvited Ombudsman Report - No. 44
Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report”
Sarah Brady hospitalized, so husband Jim is a no-show at national "gun violence" symposium where Alan Korwin is flown in to face 10 gun-control advocates and provide "balance"; complete eyewitness report here:
D.C. v. Heller - Eyewitness Reports - Complete Postings are now up, linked from the Supreme Court Gun Cases blue button at Final observations, insider scoops, Gura v. Dellinger review, "news" media's coverage assessed, plus the pre-game, post-game, on-site analysis and four photo galleries --
All the indexes:
The Heller Case Wrap-up:
The Photo Galleries:
1- Sarah Brady Hospitalized
Gun-violence symposium proceeds
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The National Symposium on Handgun Violence was held at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh on April 9, 2008. Ten of the leading gun-control advocates in the nation were scheduled for a coordinated review of "reasonable" limits on the right to keep and bear arms, led by Jim Brady himself, David Hemenway of Harvard and others. News of the event and its surprise ending (covered at the end of this report -- Jim was a no-show because of his wife's sudden medical emergency) has not made national headlines.
A courageous decision was made to provide "balance," which meant the organizers eventually found me (thanks to a referral from Alan Gura, Dick Heller's attorney in the D.C. gun-ban case). They got me last-minute non-stop tickets from Phoenix, a room, and 15 minutes at the podium. Ten against one. Hah. I had them outnumbered.
I've been studying persuasion skills for a long while and here was an acid test. Was it possible to address an audience like this and not get booed off stage? Could I manage civil discourse with the participants at the luncheon beforehand, maintain composure through the staging, and end up sociable at the afterglow dinner at a fine restaurant?
It's my belief that the words exist in the universe to convince anyone of anything true, regardless of their predispositions. The trick is in finding those words, in the moment, and delivering them in a way that works, with the proper aplomb. You may not always find the words, but the words are always there. Think of it this way. What would Jesus say. The words are there. Could I find enough of them?
A full-length review of the event is posted at
2- Nobody Minds Shootings
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
More than 26,000 people gathered at the world-class 1,600-acre Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix last month, for a family-oriented outdoor expo, and despite constant volleys of gunfire, no one fainted or was scared, no crimes were reported, no one was injured, and no deaths occurred. Lamestream media missed the event.
Crowds were biggest at the machine-gun range, where a small fee got you trigger time on a belt-fed tripod-mounted .30 caliber, hand-cranked authentic replica Gatling gun, and a shoulder fired AK-47, proving the long-known adage that you haven't had fun till you've fired a machine gun. The lamestream media missed the event.
Well-dressed suburban soccer-Mom types strained to get photos of their precious little daughters learning to shoot a bolt-action .22 for the first time, under the watchful eye of well-trained professional instructors. Every type of upscale, downscale, fat, thin, tall, short, attractive, ugly, neat, unkempt, very young, young, old, very old, bright, dull, average, male, female and other type of person plunked down nominal fees to fire cowboy guns, high-power rifles, shotguns, scoped rifles, handguns, practical pistol, and new models from famous American firms like Ruger and Smith and Wesson. Many of the shooting opportunities were free. The lamestream media missed the event.
More than 100 vendors were hawking goods and services, closing sales and making new friends over the distant roar of constant gunfire. No injuries of any kind were reported. No guns went off by themselves. No crimes were committed. The lamestream media missed the event.
In other news, shooting sports outpaced golf in 2006 to capture the number two spot in consumer spending on sports equipment, second only to exercise gear. The lamestream media apparently didn't get the memo.
4- Holster Shoots Gun
The lamestream media told you:
The investigation into the cause of a gunshot on the flight deck of a US Airways plane is ongoing, will look at every possible facet of the incident, and may take a while.
"This is an extremely safe and reliable weapon, " said Greg Alter of the Federal Air Marshal Service. "It's not going to discharge on its own, is the bottom line."
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Someone needs to tell the expert quoted above by Mitch Weiss of the AP, and Weiss too who failed to question the expert, that no gun of any kind discharges on its own. If that's where the investigation is going, taxpayers can brace for another multi-million dollar, 300-page study that is a waste of slain trees.
Saving taxpayers and government experts the time, everyone with a web connection has already seen my friend Paul Huebl's video of the likely cause -- hopelessly faulty design by bureaucrats doing everything they can to scuttle and impede the program.
Here's the problem -- the lock and holster design, required by TSA, and the rules for using it, are an accident waiting to happen. Here's Paul (of in Calif. with the FFDO rig, showing how it can fire when the lock is attached. Congrats, Paul, on the zillions of hits your simple video has garnered.
You can buy this holster yourself:
"F.D.O. with lock hole", model #31L
Full contents of items covered in this week’s report.
(searchable by item number)
1- Sarah Brady Hospitalized
2- Nobody Minds Shootings
3- Candidates' Positions Unknown
4- Holster Shoots Gun
5- Solarpanel Trumps Trees
6- Government Workers Superior
7- Preposterous Border Fencing
8- Campaign Finance Deform
9- Study Attacks Newspapers
10- It's Not China
11- Decades of Trial
12- Special Guest Columnist Eric Cartridge -- "Taking Gun Virgins for a Desert Shoot"
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