Website Polls Cover Fallout from Senate CCW Vote
On December 11, a poll was posted on this website's upper right-hand column, asking for opinion on whether or not Speaker Householder should reconvene the House for a vote on the Senate's drastically amended version HB274. Nearly 250 votes were logged in less than 24 hours, with votes AGAINST the House returning leading by around 75%.
A previous poll, asking whether or not the Senate should amend the bill to meet law enforcement demands, consistently held around 95% against meeting their demands on amendments. Unfortunately, voluminous calls to their offices weighted similarly didn't seem to phase Senators Finan & Jacobson or Governor Taft.
(These and other past OFCC PAC web surveys may be accessed and voted on by clicking here.)
Now that the House has confirmed they will NOT be returning, a new poll has been posted, asking who you believe is more to blame for the failure of the legislature to pass concealed carry reform.
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