
Dayton newspaper reports 'short list' of running mates revealed for Blackwell

The Dayton Daily News is reporting that State Rep. John White, R-Kettering, and Sen. Jim Jordan, R-Urbana, are on Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell's "short list" of possible lieutenant governor running mates in next year's governor's race. Buckeye Firearms Association can report that both of the named front-runners have a strong history of supporting gun rights for individuals. Click on...

Canadian security analyst: Blaming America for our gun problem is prejudicial

After weeks of blaming America for the increasingly public failure of gun control in their country, the Canadian Press is reporting that even as U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice offered assurances that the United States is cooperating to try to stop the smuggling of guns into that country, Canadian officials are being told to look to their own policies rather than focus blame on America...

2nd Amendment supporter promoting Central OH Meet & Greet

Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to pass on word of a Central Ohio Meet & Greet to be held in Pickerington, OH on Sunday, November 6. Event organizer Linda Walker originally announced the event to fellow Buckeye Firearms Association volunteers in the Columbus-area, and also on several Internet discussion forums. Walker also asked Gerard Valentino, Buckeye Firearms Association Central...

Congresswoman Jean Schmidt completes CCW course, urges improvements to OH law

On October 15th, Congresswoman Jean Schmidt of Ohio's Second District attended and successfully completed a Concealed Handgun License training class held in the Clermont County town of Miamiville, near Cincinnati. Instructor Collin Rink, co-owner of FRST training ( ), and Buckeye Firearms Association volunteer said, "I was very impressed with Congresswoman Schmidt. She has been a...

Ohio Supremes hear promising case for ending municipal gun control...or IS it?

"The NRA is going to work with the people of Columbus and the Ohio Legislature to pass state preemption legislation and restore freedom to the people of Columbus. When the Ohio legislature enacts preemption, freedom will be restored to the people of Columbus. And when freedom comes back to Columbus, we will come back to Columbus." - Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President Newspapers...

Rep. Mary Taylor's campaign for Auditor of State hosts clay shoot fundraiser

Two-time Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee and State Representative Mary Taylor recently announced her candidacy for Auditor of State, and is hosting a Clay Shoot at the Hill ‘n Dale Club (billed as one of the best sporting clay courses in the Midwest) in Medina on Thursday, November 3. Details can be found by clicking on the "Read More..." link below for more. Please join State...

Cincy-area gun store needs one more big voter turnout

For a year and a half, Shooters Supply Shop in the Cincinnati-area suburb of Loveland has been working towards opening a state-of-the-art indoor shooting range. Despite the support of the Loveland Police Officers Association, the Loveland City Planning Commission, Loveland City Council, the Loveland Area Chamber of Commerce and a great majority at the ballot box, the anti-gunners are trying to...

''Everyman'' candidate for Ohio Secretary of State weighs in on gun rights

As we reported last August in a Q&A sent to us by Republican gubernatorial candidate Pete Draganic, Ohio's 2006 gubernatorial race has already been a politics junkie's dream, and promises to offer even greater fixes as the primaries grow closer. But the gubernatorial race isn't the only GOP primary in which a political outsider is hoping to capitalize on poll after poll showing that Mr...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are worthy of comment. What follows is our weekly view of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. Click on the "Read More..." link below for seven days of headlines accompanied by short, concise pro-gun analysis. Wednesday from...

FLASH: HB347 assigned to House Committee on Criminal Justice

Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to announce that Rep. Jim Aslanides' sweeping firearms law reform bill, House Bill 347, has received a committee assignment: H.B. No. 347 - Representative Aslanides, et al To revise the laws regarding licenses to carry a concealed handgun and the authority to carry a concealed handgun under such a license; to limit journalist access to information regarding...

Buckeye Firearms endorsees Wachtmann & Buehrer host Sportsmen's Hurricane Relief

Press release courtesy of the NRA-ILA: Join State Senator Lynn Wachtmann (R-01) and State Representative Stephen Buehrer (R-74) for a Sportsmen's Hurricane Relief Breakfast. "One of the most generous groups in supporting any community project is sportsmen. Time and time again, we have seen local sportsmen give their time and financial support to local and national projects. We would like to make...

Dayton Daily News story highlights reasons why HB296 is so important

Commentary by Larry S. Moore The Dayton Daily News recently published a touching story on the strong parent-child bonding time that occurs each year during hunting season, and it is apparent from the story that Ohioans should support the opportunity for such bonding to be increased through HB296. From the story: Logan Murray is an 8-year-old who knows what he wants. He wants to go hunting with...

Buckeye Firearms endorsee attacks Columbus council for 'liberal agenda'

2005 Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee Phil Harmon is making news by pointing out that liberal politics are affecting more than just gun control in the City of Columbus: October 23, 2005 Columbus Dispatch In the past two years, the Columbus City Council has banned smoking in public places. It banned assault weapons. And couches on porches. And it gave the green light last week to installing...

Gun ban extremist Toby Hoover to speak at UT Law School

The University of Toledo Law School has announced that Toby Hoover, Executive Director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, will be speaking in the College of Law auditorium at noon on Wednesday, October 26. On the law school's website, Hoover's appearance is inserted among guest speaker list that includes Marquette University Law School Professor Janine Geske, Capital University Professor...

Tracing cash from wealthy law firms to Senators who voted 'nay' on S397

With the exception of a pro-S. 397 editorial from a California news daily, most in the media are still writhing in agony over the pass age of the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act." Instead of their anti-gun rhetoric, an recent op-ed shows that what a responsible media should be reporting on is how greedy lawyers were behind most of the fight on this sensible tort reform legislation. In...

There, but for the Second Amendment and its Defenders, go all of us

From the socialist utopia of Great Britain, gun control capital of the West... October 20, 2005 Derbyshire Times Grandad lives in fear A defiant grandad, who claims his drug-hit neighbourhood has become overrun by crack and heroin dealers, has put knives in every room of his home in case he has to defend himself. Ron Coleman fears drug addicts on the troubled Grangewood Estate could raid his home...

No real reason: Toledo Blade opposes firearms law reform bill

When one first learned of some of the sweeping changes proposed in Rep. Jim Aslanides' firearms law reform bill, House bill 347, it would have been logical to predict that establishment media opposition would come on language which would make all firearms laws in the state uniform, or language which would redefine what constitutes a "loaded" firearm in a motor vehicle. On the other hand, the...

USSA: Hearing Scheduled for Bill to Eliminate Hunting Barriers in Ohio

October 21, 2005 U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Action Alert An Ohio bill designed to help increase the number of sportsmen in the field will be heard in a house committee next week. The bill is part of a national effort to recruit hunters to the sport. Ohio HB 296, introduced by Rep. Stephen Buehrer, R-Delta, will create an apprentice hunting license. It is scheduled for sponsor testimony in the...

As Holiday Season Approaches Be A Smart Shopper

By Larry S. Moore It is that time of year again. Officials in Bellbrook, a suburb south of Dayton/Kettering, are warning to be on the lookout for a seasonal bandit. The WDTN TV-2 Dayton story warns of a bandit who apparently only works in October and November. In a separate WDTN story, pickpockets are targeting area shoppers with the latest a being a Cub Foods store south of Dayton. The story...

LTE: Shooting blanks with factless anti-gun letter

On Tuesday, the Cleveland Plain Dealer published a letter to the editor from gun ban extremist Rosie Craig, in which she asserted that gun control was working to control gun crime in Canada. That kind of outrageous claim deserved a reply, and on Thursday the Plain Dealer published it: October 20, 2005 Cleveland Plain Dealer What was she thinking? In her Oct. 18 letter, "It's hard to discern gun...

Mayor Ford seeks credit for end to rioting; forgets empty promises

Although the images of rioting in Toledo gave a whole nation pause, it is now obvious that Mayor Jack Ford (who is desperately trying to hold on to his office) was thinking less than the cost of violence on his constituents - and more about his job. The Toledo Blade is reporting that two new Jack Ford campaign commercials focus on the weekend riot, and one includes the claim that the mayor "kept...


U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PASSES THE “PROTECTION OF LAWFUL COMMERCE IN ARMS ACT” Thursday, October 20, 2005 (Fairfax, VA) - Today the United States House of Representatives passed the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act” (S. 397) by a bipartisan vote of 283-144. The legislation now moves to President Bush’s desk for his expected signature. Commenting on the passage of this landmark...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are worthy of comment. What follows is our weekly view of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. Click on the "Read More..." link below for seven days of headlines accompanied by short, concise pro-gun analysis. Wednesday from...

Toledo police chief: First Amendment rights ''unfortunate''

As Buckeye Firearms Association's Ken Hanson reminded readers in a recent op-ed , chief Mike Navarre's Toledo Police Department has a rough history when it comes to the Second Amendment. Having once told store owners enduring a wave of violent robberies they should not take up arms to defend themselves but instead just try to "get away from the bullets", having arrested a man for exercising his...

Lessons from GRPC: Reaching out to other constituencies

This following is the second in a series of articles highlighting different topics from the Second Amendment Foundation’s (SAF) recent Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC), at which Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim irvine was a guest speaker. By Jim Irvine Continuing on the “expanding gun ownership” theme, this week I wrote about some “non-traditional” people that we need to reach out to.

Plain Dealer's Brent Larkin on HB347 editorial: 'We were wrong'

After waiting more than three weeks, the Cleveland Plain Dealer editorial board finally chose Saturday October 15 to publish a correction to glaring falsehoods repeated in a September 29 editorial about how House Bill 347, Rep. Jim Aslanides' sweeping firearms law reform bill, would amend the media access loophole. What they did not do, however, is retract their opposition to HB347, even though...

Leave it to Toledo to validate the Nazis...

By Ken Hanson Dear me, what are the folks in Toledo thinking? A month or so ago police confiscated a handgun from a citizen who had gone out and obtained an emergency concealed carry license to protect himself from gangs in his neighborhood. The TPD reasoning? Send them to community mediation, let everyone "cool off." Keep the gun in lockdown for a few months, since the gun obviously caused all...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.