
Op-ed: Thugs find it more difficult if populace is armed

By Charl Van Wyck A gunman opened fire in the sanctuary of a southwest Missouri, USA, church Sunday Aug. 12, 2007, killing a pastor and two worshippers and wounding several others. My condolences go out to the local congregation, friends and family of the worshippers who were holding the service at the First Congregational Church. This abominable act is not the first time that churchgoers have...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From another shooting in a church to a cocaine shortage in Cleveland, these articles should be a part of your required...

The Unabridged Second Amendment

The following was originally published in 1991 by the Second Amendment Foundation's The New Gun Week magazine. by J. Neil Schulman If you wanted to know all about the Big Bang, you'd ring up Carl Sagan, right? And if you wanted to know about desert warfare, the man to call would be Norman Schwartzkopf, no question about it. But who would you call if you wanted the top expert on American usage, to...

Newsweek Photo Gallery: "One Nation, Under Gun"

Inspired by a dinner conversation with an ex-staffer for a 2004 Presidential candidate whose job it was to "wrangle" the gun vote, photographer Kyle Cassidy wanted to find out who gun owners are, what they look like and how they live. So he traveled 15,000 miles over the course of two years taking pictures of people with their weapons and asking them one question: 'Why do you own a gun?' His new...

HR1897, Carry in National Parks: A bill whose time is past due

By Tim Inwood United States Representative Ron Paul has introduced a bill that I hope gets some traction. HR1897 would restore our ability to carry firearms in the National Parks for our defense. How important is this? Every year we hear some terrible story of someone getting mauled or killed by wild animals on Federally owned land - land that we are encouraged to visit and pay for, but where we...

Better Trained: Cop killers or the police officers they kill?

By Ken Hanson In the first part of this series we examined how those who dismiss criminals as being stupid are in fact themselves acting stupid. In another example of how dangerous it can be to underestimate the two-legged predators who walk among us, the FBI has recently finished a five year study of cop killers and the shootouts that took the officer’s life. While I have only seen a summary and...

FRIDAY FLASHBACK!: Ten Threats To Our Ohio Gun Rights In 2007

Buckeye Firearm Association's web site is seeing an amazing growth in visitors and new articles are being posted several times a week. With everything that is going on, it is easy to miss some important and interesting articles. To make sure that you don't miss anything, we are going to repost one of our more popular articles every Friday. This week's "Friday Flashback" is.... Ten Threats To Our...

Who is to blame when children have accidents with guns?

By Chad D. Baus It's all too familiar a story : A 12-year-old boy was critically injured Tuesday night after he was shot in the chest by a gun that was found in the street. Police said the boy and a 10-year-old friend found the loaded weapon in an alley behind the 300 block of South Napoleon Avenue on the city's east side. "One child, the 10-year-old, was shot in the hand," said Columbus police...

Drive-by media quotes ''study'' on drive-bys; Refuses to print response

A recent story in the Xenia Gazette, entitled "Ohio fifth on list of states with most drive-by shootings" , was a perfect example of how the vehemently anti-self-defense Violence Policy Center dupes unsuspecting media/news reporters, as well as how lazy journalists irresponsibly run press releases to fill space, as opposed to analyzing the content and understanding the missing/misleading info...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From an execution behind an elementary school to a burglar suing his victim, these articles should be a part of your...

HSUS – The Original Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

By Larry S. Moore Throughout our history, Buckeye Firearms Association has worked to expose organizations that would deny our rights and freedoms, but who operate in such a manner that unsuspecting gun-owners or sportsmen might be fooled. The American Hunters and Shooters Association is one such group. Another, larger and much older organization, is the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report – No. 32

Taken from this week’s “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The uninvited Ombudsman Report” STARTERS: Change the world by taking a reporter shooting reports: Sara Sedlacek, a reporter for Iowa's West Liberty Index and a self-described liberal "with a cookie-cutter image of what 'gun-club people' were like," recently visited her local gun club in search of a story.

Lowest IQ: The criminal or the anti-gunner who believes criminals are dumb?

By Ken Hanson I am not one of those people who go around using Forest Gumpisms, though I did enjoy the movie. “Stupid is as stupid does,” in a more literal sense, means that if you act stupid, you are stupid, regardless of your relative intelligence. I think this is a particularly accurate label for all of the anti-gun arguments that begin with “Do you really believe a criminal is smart enough to...

Home Invasions: Be Prepared

By Steve Kovacs Recently, there was a high profile home invasion in Connecticut where a mother and two daughters were killed. The husband survived the vicious attack. It happened in a well- to-do, relatively crime free neighborhood, to a respected medical doctor and his family. This horrendous attack became an extremely high profile case and ended up being broadcast all over national television...

Gun ban extremists' rhetoric proven false on eve of OH Castle Doctrine debate

By Chad D. Baus "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later" "Kingdom Doctrine" "Deadly Force: From Last Resort to First Option" "Duel Clause" "License To Murder" "Crack Dealers' Get Out of Jail Free Card" We've all heard the rhetoric. In fact, when Florida passed a Castle Doctrine bill, the Brady bunch erected billboards and passed out flyers in airports warning tourists about angry locals. "This," Brady...

USSA Invites Sportsmen to Celebrate Ohio's Hunting Heritage

(Columbus) - Ohio sportsmen can win thousands of dollars worth of cash and prizes while helping protect hunting during the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance's 11th Annual Save Our Heritage Rally this September. Hunters, anglers and trappers from across the Buckeye state will come together on Sept. 15 at the Aladdin Shrine Temple in Columbus to celebrate the state's outdoor traditions. Everyone who...

Prez wanna-be caught on tape: ''NRA...involved in...strategy I don't understand

By Chad D. Baus As many politically-involved gun owners are aware, there has been a lot of anti-gun rhetoric coming out of New York City from a man whose name is being mentioned among the bloated field of anti-gun Presidential candidates. Consider the following quotes: "In New York City, 90% of the guns that we see come from outside the city of New York." "We've gone to the 9mm weapon for police...

FRIDAY FLASHBACK!: Owning the Power to Control My Destiny

Buckeye Firearm Association's web site is seeing an amazing growth in visitors and new articles are being posted several times a week. With everything that is going on, it is easy to miss some important and interesting articles. To make sure that you don't miss anything, we are going to repost one of our more popular articles every Friday. This week's "Friday Flashback" is.... Owning the Power to...

Ohio's Temporary Emergency License (TEL) to Carry

The Temporary Emergency License (TEL) to carry a concealed handgun has caused considerable confusion. The low numbers of issued licenses indicate that there is little demand, people don’t understand the procedures for obtaining one, or they are too big of a hassle to obtain. Even if you already have your CHL, you need to understand the TEL. You are the expert people come to in time of need...

AEP Ohio provides opportunity for disabled sportsmen

American Electric Power and national hunting organizations provide opportunity for disabled sportsmen Special hunting events hosted in Muskingum and Morgan counties MCCONNELSVILLE, OH -Outdoor enthusiasts with special disabilities will have the opportunity to hunt deer, participate in various field activities, and create lasting memories and friendships this fall during special deer hunting...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From an attempted campus kidnapping to a massacre plot at a church, these articles should be a part of your required...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.