
ABC Cincinnati schools local NBC competitors on OBJECTIVE reporting on guns

By Chad D. Baus Many readers of this website will recall the media bias that was exposed in NBC Cincinnati (WLWT Ch. 5) reporter Eric Flack's undercover piece on the non-existent ''gun show loophole'' on November 19. Fast forward one week later, and it was ABC Cincinnati's (WCPO Ch. 9) turn for a special report on firearms ownership. But the difference between the way both news stations handled...

Concealed Handguns: Danger or Asset to Ohio?

By Howard Nemerov The purpose of this study is to determine the relative criminality of concealed carry licensees versus the general population of Ohio. In order to do this, we will compare the number of concealed carry license suspensions and revocations to the FBI arrest data for the entire state, yielding proxies for the violation rates of licensees and the general population, respectively...

Attorney General announces Third Quarter 2007 CHL statistics

Recent improvements to law spark surge in demand for concealed handgun licenses By Jim Irvine Attorney General Marc Dann has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the third quarter of 2007. With a whopping 37% increase in demand over the prior year, there are now over 100,000 people licensed to carry concealed firearms in Ohio. Every business day, another 75 people receive...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From a rape on campus to another attack on gun shows, these articles should be a part of your required reading! Click "...

Giuliani spokesman's Freudian slip?: Gun show attendees = moonshiners

By Chad D. Baus Despite almost a year's worth of history lessons by pro-Second Amendment groups across the country, opinion polls prove there are still too many pro-gun Republican voters planning on giving their primary vote to Rudy Giuliani. I've never been one to buy into election year conversions on gun rights. I find it incredibly insulting when a politician expects America's hunters,...

Op-Ed: Gun Rights and Presidential Politics

By Ken Blackwell The debate over individual gun rights just has become a front line issue in the 2008 presidential campaign. The United States Supreme Court decision to hear arguments on District of Columbia v. Heller , the D.C. gun ban case, guarantees it. ...With nearly 100 million American gun owners and a fluid nominating process in both primaries, Second Amendment voters matter...

Gun buybacks – what do they really accomplish?

by Jim Irvine Recently the city of Cleveland gave out $100 gas and grocery gift cards to anyone turning in a handgun. The anti-gun people (including the media) act like this is a great thing. The pro-gun people generally claim it is worthless. I’ll explain why it is dangerous. The Cleveland Plain Dealer story begins with this: A line of cars stretched three city blocks in downtown Cleveland on...

Ohio is facing a growing coyote crisis

By Dick Martin Chillicothe Gazette Some years ago I made a trip to South Dakota seeking pheasants, mule deer, ducks, prairie chickens, and rabbits. The trip was a good one and I made a fine bag, but on our first morning the friend I was hunting with made it very clear about one thing. "If you see a coyote, shoot it! Don't worry about losing a pheasant or a duck, shoot the coyote. We kill every...

Revealed: Media planned to defy General Assembly on private records AGAIN

By Chad D. Baus It has been interesting to watch the Ohio media's reaction to Attorney General Marc Dann's issuance of an opinion reiterating that a new state law does not allow journalists to copy the confidential, non-public information of concealed handgun license (CHL) -holders by any means. Several Gannett-owned newspapers in the state, like the Mansfield News Journal and Bucyrus Telegraph...

News Talk Radio WHIO Special Investigative Report: Armed But Not Dangerous

In a special investigative report unlike that which gun owners are used to seeing from the mainstream media, Larry Hansgen, the host of Miami Valley's Morning News on AM 1290 & 95.7FM in Dayton, recently took a SimTrainer course, and followed up with a story about concealed handgun license holders, asking... Who are they? Why do they carry a firearm? and other information that is sure to...

Media bias exposed in NBC Cincinnati undercover piece on ''gun show loophole''

Cincinnati NBC reporter Eric Flack obediently beats the drum for more gun control By Tim Inwood If you had put your hand to your ear and listened to the East, you would have heard the presses going at the Brady Campaign as they put out press releases begging the media to begin to bang the drums calling for new gun control laws. Ever the obedient creature, the press obeyed. For the past several...

Fred Thompson on Supreme Court decision to hear D.C. Gun Ban case

By Fred Thompson Republican Candidate for President Here's another reason why it's important that we appoint judges who use the Constitution as more than a set of suggestions. Today [Tuesday, November 20], the Supreme Court decided to hear the case of District of Columbia v. Heller . Six plaintiffs from Washington, D.C. challenged the provisions of the D.C. Code that prohibited them...

Hunters/Ohio Div. of Wildlife offer something to be thankful for

Grant Program Assists Food pantry Donations The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife has launched a pilot grant program in the cities of Coshocton and Marietta in an effort to assist with the processing costs associated with donating venison to a food bank. "After evaluating the pilot effort, we will look towards expanding this program statewide" stated James Marshall...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From another home invasion in Cleveland to the release of "The Great New Orleans Gun Grab", these articles should be a...

(Another) Ohio CHL-holder protects own life when robbed

The Cleveland Plain Dealer recently reported that another Ohio concealed handgun license-holder was able to defend himself when his business was robbed. And the last line of the story deserves attention from legislators who have inexplicably stalled Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation for the past several months. From the story : Bedford Heights -- A store owner shot a robbery suspect in the head...

Armed men ignore sign and rob UDF store near my home

By John Fenton According to news reports , a United Dairy Farmers convenience store a few blocks from our home was robbed just before midnight last night by three masked men. The good news is that no one was hurt in the robbery. The most shocking part of this story is that in addition to violating several state and federal felony statutes, they ignored the small "No Weapons" signed displayed on...

Supreme Court Will Hear D.C. Handgun Ban Case

Buckeye Firearms Association announces participation in case; filing brief in support of Mr. Heller The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has agreed to hear a case that will decide whether the District of Columbia can ban handguns - a move that could produce the most in-depth examination of the constitutional right to "keep and bear arms" in nearly 70 years. In a brief, one sentence...

Ohio's Young Hunters Post Great Results During Special Two-Day Deer Hunt

10, 515 deer harvested in 2007, compared to 8,811 last year COLUMBUS, OH - Young hunters across Ohio again enjoyed success during the Fifth Annual Youth Deer-Gun Season, held Saturday and Sunday, November 17-18. Hunters age 17 and under killed 10,515 deer during the special two-day season, created to provide a high-quality hunting experience for younger Ohioans. Last year's youth hunt saw a deer...

SB184: Sen. Steve Buehrer announces PROPONENT hearing on Castle Doctrine

From: State Senator Steve Buehrer Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 Thanks to everyone who has shown interest in and expressed support for Senate Bill 184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation. On October 17th, Senator Buehrer presented sponsor testimony on SB184 to the Senate Criminal Justice Committee. He testified on the importance of the bill and told the committee that, "For too long the...

Supreme Court Postpones Announcement on D.C. Second Amendment Case

The Supreme Court's orders announced Tuesday, November 13, did not mention any action on District of Columbia v. Heller (formerly known as Parker v. District of Columbia ) or on the related petition by the plaintiffs who were denied standing in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Any guessing about the reasons for the delay would be just that. Based on the Court's current calendar,...

Senate Examines Link between HB71 Proponent, 'Domestic Terror' Group

We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States...We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped in California. Then we will take it state by state. - Humane Society of the United States Executive Director Wayne Pacelle November 15, 2007 The Hannah Report It was a "nervous" Senate Agriculture Committee chairman who took...

Disabled hunters enjoy day in the great outdoors

David Jacobsen tightened the laces on his boots and with a Remington Model 870 shotgun across his lap, was ready for a hunt. In the parking lot of the Clarence E. Miller Ohio National Guard Armory, he traded his wheelchair in for a pick-up truck and an all-terrain vehicle Friday. His camouflage pants, shirt and bright orange hat blended in with the dozens of others who were about to enter more...

Upside down: Drunk drivers' names off-limits to media, but not CHL-holders'

By Chad D. Baus When it comes to being discriminated against for exercising a civil, Constitutional, and human right, gun owners are in a class unto themselves. Try to impose "reasonable" controls by abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or by prohibiting the free exercise of religion, and we will hear no end to the screaming. On the other hand, our nation's courts have decided that...

Ohio's Youth Deer-Gun Hunting Season Set For November 17-18

COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio’s youth deer-gun hunting season will be held Saturday and Sunday, November 17-18, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. “This is a great opportunity to get our young hunters outdoors and spending quality time with their families,” said David M. Graham, chief of the division. Young hunters killed 8,315 deer during the 2006 two-day...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

By Chris Chumita There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are all worthy of mention. What follows is our review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From campus crime alerts to another shooting in Cleveland, these articles should be a part of your required reading!...

Attny. Gen. Dann - Conceal Carry Names Limited to Reporters' ''Mental Processes'

November 13, 2007 Hannah Report The Strickland administration and the AG's office have gone on record in response to new questions over media access to names of conceal carry permit holders. Little more than a month after relevant provisions of 126-HB9 (Oelslager) went into effect, Attorney General Marc Dann issued an opinion Tuesday clarifying that journalists cannot photo-copy, photograph,...

Will Your Gun Save your Life?

By Linda Walker The scenario: You are in the grocery store parking lot. Evening has fallen, but the street light illuminates the area. You are putting your new purchases in the trunk of your car, anticipating being in the warmth of your own home in fifteen minutes, after a long day at work. Thoughts are going through your mind of what to make for dinner and what you will be....., And then it...


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