
Attention Ohio CHL-holders: Calanni Auto Service wants your business!

By Chad D. Baus One of the more frequent compaints from Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL) -holders is the number of "no-guns" signs posted in businesses. Although the number of signs has definitely decreased in the five years since the successful self-defense law was passed, far too many businesses - especially in urban areas - still post signs telling some of their customers that they are not...

"King George" Voinvich attempting to convince his "subjects" he still supports the Second Amendment

By Jim Irvine On July 22, 2009, Senator George Voinovich (R-Ohio) voted against a national reciprocity amendment that would have allowed persons with a concealed handgun license to carry their guns in most other states (Amendment 1618 to S1390). Later, in trying to explain his vote, Voinovich told told editors at the Columbus Dispatch that the Republican party's biggest problem is that Ohioans...

ABC News's latest one-sided view of the gun issue tackles restaurant carry in Tennessee

By Gerard Valentino A recent story on ABC News proves, once again, that the establishment media takes a one-sided view of the gun issue. The story, which can be viewed here , covers a new law in Tennessee that allows people to carry guns in restaurants and bars – and is clearly slanted against gun owners. In the report, the mainstream media trots out one of their favorite foils, a gun owner who...

Sportsman Groups Push for Sunstein Defeat

Sportsmen Need to "Man the Battle Stations" and Block the "Czar" By Greg R. Lawson Battle lines between sportsmen and anti-hunting extremists seem to be hardening with each passing day. Frighteningly, it looks to get worse as a major anti-hunter is on the verge of setting up residence in a federal office with the power to block pro-sportsmen regulations for years to come. Cass R. Sunstein may not...

You are invited: Cabela's Second Amendment Workshop

You are invited to attend a free Second Amendment workshop at Cabelas in Dundee, MI, just 20 minutes north of Toledo. You will get information and strategies on how you can play an important role in the ongoing fight to maintain Second Amendment rights in the United States. The impressive lineup of speakers includes:

ACLU opposes baseball bat control

By Dean Rieck According to the Boston Globe , the City Council in Lynn, MA have decided to allow police to arrest students who bring baseball bats and other "weapons" to school. However the ACLU, famous for their inconsistent stance on gun control, opposes this ordinance. Here are the facts: Lynn City Council wants to be "proactive" in making schools safer, authorizing police to arrest students...

Op-Ed: The Media Gets It Wrong, Again, On Guns

By John R. Lott In Portsmouth, New Hampshire last week, a man carried a handgun a few blocks away from the site where President Obama was scheduled to hold a town hall a couple of hours later. Was it a danger or not? The man carrying the gun, William Kostric, even had permission to have the gun on private church property while he was protesting Obama's appearance. Everybody from the New York...

Tea party movement: There is power in cooperation

By Jeff Knox The growing dissatisfaction of more and more citizens with the direction of our government and our nation presents a wonderful opportunity for rights activists to build and strengthen coalitions and grow the movement's base. The media, the administration, and Democrat leaders have broadly attempted to discredit and dismiss several large "right-wing" groups of dissatisfied and...

Burglaries of gun store and trooper's car prove criminals not deterred by background checks or waiting periods

Bu Chad D. Baus The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that thieves stole nearly $30,000 worth of guns, knives and ammunition during a break-in Monday at the Black Wing Shooting Center in Delaware, and the county sheriff is asking for citizens' help to recover the stolen property.

Ohio mayor's resignation from Bloomberg gun control front group gains national attention

By Chad D. Baus On Tuesday, Buckeye Firearms Association broke the news that Village of Walton Hills, OH Mayor Marlene Anielski had submitted to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg her resignation from the gun control front group known as Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG). Since then, the news has been spread far and wide, and Anielski is doing some high-profile interviews to further explain...

MSNBC plays racial politics with deceptive editing, says SAF

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation today accused MSNBC of using deceptively-edited video from a Phoenix, Arizona anti-tax rally on Monday to invent a racial stereotype in its on-going effort to demonize and marginalize American firearms owners as "racists." The MSNBC video, narrated by reporter Contessa Brewer, appearing with "Morning Meeting" host Dylan Ratigan, shows an AR-15 rifle...

Doomed to fail: Latest Chicago gun "buy-back" scheme focuses on "assault-type" weapons

By Gerard Valentino CBS 2 in Chicago is reporting that Mayor Daley announced a continuation of his failed gun "buy-back" program. According to the story, if a resident turns in an "assault-type gun" they get a $100 gift card from the City.

Background checks on fiream sales up 8.4% in July

Data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 966,162 checks in July 2009, an 8.4 percent increase from the 891,224 reported in July 2008. This latest jump in background checks follows the release of the Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Collection Report by the Department of the Treasury just two weeks ago. The report noted that firearm and...

California micro-stamping law stalled just months before scheduled implementation

By Chad D. Baus The San Diego Union-Tribune is reporting that, two years after California passed a gun control law requiring the next generation of semi-automatic handguns to leave a microscopic identifying code on spent casings, the controversial technology appears no closer to being introduced in that state, let alone anywhere else. The story notes that California Attorney General Jerry Brown...

ODNR to Offer Youth Deer Gun Hunts at State Nature Preserves

Permits to participate in youth gun hunts will be awarded by lottery COLUMBUS, OHIO - An increasing deer population, resulting in extensive damage to plant communities, has led the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Natural Areas and Preserves to coordinate special controlled deer hunts including youth hunts at four state nature preserves—Desonier (Athens County), Goll Woods...

Another pro-gun mayor wises up to Bloomberg's "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" charade

By Chad D. Baus For the past several years, Buckeye Firearms Association has published a series of articles entitled "All Politicians Are Not The Same," highlighting elected officials who have proven strong support for the Second Amendment. Today, I believe we can add two more names to the list: Rep. Josh Mandel and Village of Walton Hills Mayor Marlene Anielski. Many pro-gun voters will already...

Ohio Wildlife Council Approves 2009-10 Hunting and Trapping Regulations

Statewide muzzleloader season moves to early January COLUMBUS, OH - September 1 will again kick-off the state's fall hunting seasons – with the opening of the squirrel-hunting season that runs through January 31 – under regulations approved Wednesday by the Ohio Wildlife Council. The statewide muzzleloader season will move to early January. Season dates are January 9-12, 2010, which includes two...

Fremont marksman wins championship at Camp Perry despite physical disability

Toledo Blade outdoor writer Steve Pollick is reporting that Fremont marksman Greg Drown has fired his way to a national championship at Camp Perry in the difficult discipline of three-position smallbore or .22 rifle, and he did it from a wheelchair. Pollick writes that Drown, who copes with multiple sclerosis, scored 1195-73X out of a possible 1200 among 324 competitors to win the any-sight...

Obama's "Yes we can" is now "No you can't"

Click to buy this shirt. The Washington Times is reporting that the times they are a changin' for the man who wants to change everything about America. The Obama presidential campaign ran on the slogan "Yes we can." But now that America is getting a peek at what Obama and his Chicago cronies had in mind, America is beginning to say "No you can't."

Poll Shows Americans Support Right-to-Carry

The United States Senate recently voted on an amendment that would have allowed Right-to-Carry permit holders to carry in all other states that also grant carry permits. The amendment, sponsored by Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.) and David Vitter (R-La.), won a significant majority of votes, 58 to 39, but failed to reach the 60 votes needed to avoid a Senate filibuster. Anti-gun senators have long...

Uncertainty over CHL fee change keeps authorities jumping

Almost immediately after we broke the news that changes effecting Ohio firearm laws were included in the House Bill 1, the two year budget adopted by the Ohio General Assembly, we began receiving questions on when the changes were going to be implemented. The question has proved rather difficult to answer, even a month after the bill was passed and signed into law. In fact, we have received...

Strickland Joins Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus

Bipartisan Group Established to Promote and Protect Hunting and Wildlife Causes Columbus, Ohio – Ohio Governor Ted Strickland today announced that he has joined the bipartisan Governors Sportsmen's Caucus (GSC), a recently established group of sitting governors who are committed to protecting and promoting the interests and agenda of sportsmen and women and wildlife professionals in Ohio and...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. endorsee Shannon Jones selected to join State Senate

The Cincinnati Enquirer is reporting that State Rep. Shannon Jones, a 2008 Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee, has been selected by Senate Republicans to become newest member of the Senate, representing about 330,000 residents of Hamilton and Warren counties. The story notes that Jones was among four candidates who applied for the 7th District seat left vacant by the June 19 death of Sen. Bob...

ATF trace data proves gun control does not affect crime

By Gerard Valentino One of the crown jewels of the gun control movement was the passage of the Brady Bill during the first term of Bill Clinton's administration. The bill created the five day waiting period for handgun purchases, and was hailed as the first step in halting handgun violence in America. Of course, prior to the Brady Bill the anti-gun groups had claimed several other key gun control...

Bad Laws, Bad Legislators, Bad Ideas (and the Gun Manufacturers that continue to look the other way)

By Jim Shepherd On Friday, it would be nice to be able to talk about the anticipation with which we all look toward the weekend. After all, it's the most continuous time many of us have to enjoy the outdoors. Some Fridays, unfortunately, that's just not possible. Yesterday, New Jersey became the fourth state to pass legislation limiting state residents to one handgun purchase every thirty days...

Firearms Industry Rejects National Park Service Classification of Traditional Ammunition as a Health Threat

NEWTOWN, Conn.--In response to an announcement regarding a National Parks Service program encouraging hunters to voluntarily switch to alternative ammunition, the National Shooting Sports Foundation rejected NPS's categorization of traditional ammunition as a health threat. NSSF is offering to work with the National Park Service to develop measures to educate hunters about steps they can take to...

Dave Yost implores supporters: Don't let Mike DeWine turn back the clock on gun rights

By Chad D. Baus If Republican Attorney General candidate Dave Yost has anything to say about it, former Senator Mike DeWine's vehement anti-gun record will be front and center in the upcoming GOP primary battle. A fundraising letter being circulated by Yost is drawing attention to DeWine's record of support for some of the most radical gun control proposals in the past two decades, and the...

SAF sues District of Columbia over carrying of handguns

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation [Thursday] filed a lawsuit on behalf of three residents of the District of Columbia and a Florida resident, seeking to compel the city to issue carry permits to law-abiding citizens. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of Tom Palmer, George Lyon and Amy McVey, all District residents, and Edward Raymond, a New Hampshire resident...

Lame duck Ohio Sen.Voinovich shafts gun owners AGAIN; Expect voters to direct anger at other "Taft Republicans"

By Chad D. Baus For the second time in as many weeks, Ohio's lame duck Senator, Republican George Voinovich, shafted gun owners on a key vote in the United States Senate. is reporting that, after two days of floor debate, the Senate voted 68-31 to confirm Second Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayor as a Justice of the Supreme Court. Her first full term will begin Oct. 5. Sotomayor has...


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