
Hunting season a bonanza for suffering Ohio economy

The Marietta Times is reporting that today's opening of deer gun season in the Buckeye State will bring some good news regarding the state's suffering economy. From the story : Susie Vance with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources said the state is rated sixth among the top 10 or 12 states that receive the most economic impact from hunters and fishermen. "Our state is really appealing to...

Ohio's Young Hunters Succeed During Special Two-Day Deer Hunt

COLUMBUS, OH - Young hunters across Ohio again enjoyed success during the seventh annual Youth Deer-Gun Season, held Saturday and Sunday, November 21-22. Hunters age 17 and under killed 9,331 deer during the special two-day season, aimed at providing a high-quality hunting experience for younger Ohioans. Last year's youth hunt saw a deer harvest of 9,852. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources...

Join the Buckeye Social Strike Force -- all it takes is 10 minutes of online volunteer work per week!

Success in any political battle requires "spreading the word," aggressively and relentlessly. This is especially true with gun rights. To win hearts and minds, to get pro-gun candidates elected, and to assure good gun laws are passed and bad gun laws are defeated, we must get our message out to as many people as possible.

Cordray Joins in Defending Second Amendment Rights in United States Supreme Court Case

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) – Based on his longstanding support for Second Amendment rights, Attorney General Richard Cordray announced today that his office has co-sponsored an amicus brief in the United States Supreme Court, arguing that these rights should be protected from undue restrictions imposed by state and local governments. The Supreme Court is examining this issue in the case of McDonald v...

Thanksgiving: George Washington's 1789 Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor -- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful...

Ohio Attorney General race highlights fight for heart & soul of state Republican party

By Chad D. Baus The Cincinnati Enquirer is reporting on a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party that is going on all over the country, and observes it is best exemplified in Ohio through the primary race for Attorney General.

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 74 - Firearms Busy Season

Taken from the most recent "Page Nine", Alan Korwin's "The Uninvited Ombudsman Report" -------- 1- Bill of Rights Day is coming again! Mark your calendars, Tue., Dec. 15, to honor the document that helps define who we are and helped set the stage for the greatest nation on earth. Invitation for Phoenix, and details for anyone anywhere: ----Committees of...

Obama administration push for gun ban continues

Administration's calls for ban echoed by bi-national panel of former government officials and scholars, and by a former Bush administration official By Chad D. Baus On February 25, 2009, headlines such as ABC News' " Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban " turned an election-related spike in gun sales into a frenzy that has only recently begun to moderate. The news of a pending push by Obama to...

Op-ed: Will Gun-Control Case Prompt a Constitutional Reawakening?

By Ashby Jones Our interest in a single Supreme Court case has perhaps never been as high as it is in a case currently being briefed. The issues are fascinating on several levels, and the potential impact of a ruling is big. The case is McDonald v. City of Chicago , for which the court granted cert on Sept. 30. The petitioners in the case, a group challenging a gun-control ordinance in Chicago,...

Buckeye Firearms Foundation and USCCA file brief in U.S. Supreme Court case

Buckeye Firearms Foundation (BFF) has teamed up with the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) to file a "friend of the court" brief in the McDonald v. Chicago United States Supreme Court case on gun rights. Click here to download the brief as a pdf. The brief, filed on Monday, November 23, 2009, on behalf of the petitioners, is known as a "Brandeis Brief." While traditional briefs...

Cleveland officials should take a lesson from the City of New Philadelphia on gun rights

By Chad D. Baus Even as the City of Cleveland continues to enforce its local gun control laws and waste tax payer money to fight state law prohibiting same in court, the City of New Philadelphia, OH is taking another route entirely.

FLASH: AG Cordray files motion for stay pending appeal of 8th Circuit ruling on Cleveland preemption challenge

Attorney General Richard Cordray has asked for the Cleveland Appellate Court to stay their order finding R.C. 9.68 unconstitutional . A stay means that the Appellate Court's decision will not be in force while the Supreme Court considers the case and issues their decision. AG Cordray is representing the state of Ohio in this case against the City of Cleveland. A stay, which should be granted,...

Will Ted Strickland choose Buckeye Firearms Assoc. endorsee as 2010 running mate?

By Chad D. Baus The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting on a list of potential running mates for Governor Ted Strickland in his 2010 re-election bid. While Strickland has lived up to his billing as a staunch pro-gun Democrat during his first term in office, the same could never have been said of Lt. Gov Lee Fisher, who is running for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate. Strickland's choice...

No-guns signs not working: Columbus city bus passengers now asked to submit to "voluntary" searches

By Gerard Valentino 10TV in Columbus reported recently that the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA), which illegally posts its busses with "no-guns signs", is still finding it necessary to increase security on city busses (see " Argument on COTA bus leads to teen's shooting " for an example of why). Their latest plan includes asking people to submit to searches of their bags and person. In...

It's time to eradicate VD (Victim Disarmament) on miltary bases

By Jeff Knox There has been a close association between sexually transmitted diseases and the military for as long as the two have existed, but the focus of this article is not Venereal Disease, but a different kind of VD that has shocked the military community and the nation. The VD which currently plagues the military and puts our soldiers at grave risk is the policy of Victim Disarmament which...

Ohio's Popular Deer-Gun Season Opens November 30

Donation of extra venison - at no cost to the hunter - is encouraged for Ohioans in need Ohio's popular deer-gun season opens statewide on Monday, November 30, offering hunters a full week to harvest a whitetail. The upcoming season will again include an extra weekend of gun hunting on December 19-20, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Deer can be...

The Bloomberg Media Follies

By Tim Inwood Recently in the Cincinnatus Standard I wrote about "teachable moments with the media." Sadly the lesson must continue as we talk about how the media looks at issues with bias and distortion. One must conclude they are quite lazy, as they don't do their homework and seem quite willing to accept anything spoon-fed to them that fits their liberal mental template without critical...

New Video from NSSF: 'Lock, Stock and Barrel: Understanding the Firearms Industry'

NEWTOWN, Conn -- "For more than 200 years a unique industry in America has made products that have been part of our country's great tradition of freedom, self-reliance and enjoyment of the outdoors." So begins a new video produced by the National Shooting Sports Foundation called "Lock, Stock and Barrel: Understanding the Firearms Industry" and that is now available as a DVD free of charge or to...

Get the Facts About AR-15-style Rifles, Today's Modern Sporting Rifles: They're NOT 'Assault Rifles'

Whether you're a hunter, target shooter, own a firearm for self protection or don't own a firearm at all, the National Shooting Sports Foundation asks you to be informed about AR-15-style rifles. These rifles are often mislabeled "assault rifles" or "assault weapons." They are neither. Nevertheless, many hunters and shooters and the general public confuse AR-15-style rifles, which are civilian...

Ohio Sportsman's Bequest Expands Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Opportunities

(Columbus) In 2007, Wallace "Wally" O'Dowd of Powell left a bequest to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife to acquire land for the purpose of wildlife conservation, propagation, and habitat management. The bequest was the single largest donation in the history of the Division of Wildlife. In September of 2009, O'Dowd's dream became a reality when the Division...

Local media outlets offer objective coverage of surge in numbers of people obtaining concealed carry licenses

By Chad D. Baus Two Ohio area television affiiates have recently aired informative, unbiased stories on carrying concealed weapons for self-defense, and related issues. On November 5, WCPO, Cincinnati's ABC affiliate, published a report entitled "Some Women Turning To Guns For Peace Of Mind" , which documents a former robbery victim's progress from defenseless victim to becoming a trained gun...

Background checks on firearm sales up 4.3% in October

Background checks on the sale of firearms were up 4.3 percent in October, according to data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A total of 1,233,982 checks were reported for the month, up from 1,183,279 in October 2008. The 2009 year-to-date total for background checks is 11,403,417, an increase of 18.1 percent over the same time period last year.

Firearms Forum airs last radio show

By Jim Irvine It is with sadness that I report that November 15, 2009 will be the last Firearms Forum show on WHK, AM 1420. It has been a tremendous experience and I thank all who have listened, called, or sent email about the show. Through the show I have been able to meet many patriots dedicated to protect and restore our Second Amendment right. I will be joined on the final show by John Benner...

Polls show upswing toward GOP among Ohio voters

According to two polls released this week by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, "the Democratic wave that swept through Ohio in 2006 and 2008 may be cresting." Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland's lead over former Congressman and Fox News show host John Kasich in the 2010 race for reelection has evaporated into a 40 - 40 percent tie, with Ohio voters seeing the possible Republican challenger as...

FLASH: Cleveland appellate court ignores previous Supreme Court decision, rules Ohio preemption law unconstitutional

The 8th Ohio District Court of Appeals has sided with Cleveland in the city's fight to enforce its illegal local gun control ordinances. A three judge panel has declared that Ohio R.C 9.68 - which became law in 2007 with passage of HB347 to preempt local gun control and ensure statewide uniformity of gun laws - is unconstitutional.

World Net Daily op-ed by Buckeye Firearms' Gerard Valentino addresses fallacy of "no-guns" army bases

Buckeye Firearms Foundation Treasurer Gerard Valentino was again published nationally, this time at As a veteran who served at Fort Hood, Valentino has an interesting perspective on how the massacre there fit the same pattern as every other spree killing in a gun-free zone. Valentino makes the point that soldiers, when disarmed, are no different than students or co-workers left...

Op-Ed: Time to Put An End to Army Bases as Gun-Free Zones

By John Lott Shouldn't an army base be the last place where a terrorist should be able to shoot at people uninterrupted for 10 minutes? After all, an army base is filled with soldiers who carry guns, right? Unfortunately, that is not the case. Beginning in March 1993, under the Clinton administration, the army forbids military personnel from carrying their own personal firearms and mandates that...

Second Amendment fundraising drive a success!

Not long ago Buckeye Firearms Foundation challenged our supporters to help us raise $30,000 so we could defend gun-rights at the Supreme Court. As usual, gun owners from Ohio, from across the United States and even from around the world didn't disappoint and we are now thrilled to announce that we've achieved our goal. In fact, we exceed our goal and are still receiving donations.

Representatives Bubp and Martin Provide Testimony on Restaurant Carry Bill

Buckeye Firearms Association leader Linda Walker was in attendance Thursday, November 5, as State Representatives Danny R. Bubp (R-West Union) and Jarrod B. Martin (R-Beavercreek) gave sponsor testimony in support of House Bill 203 before the Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee. The bill would allow Ohioans who possess a concealed carry permit to go into restaurants with a liquor...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.