
Shooting for a Cure at the Ohio State Trapshoot

by Larry S. Moore The annual Ohio State Trapshoot starts June 20 and runs for a week. The shooting grounds are at the Cardinal Center, Marengo Ohio. The event is the premier state shoot in the mid-west and continues to attract the finest shooters from across the nation and beyond. I've shot at the facility and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Unfortunately, my scores are typically not the ones...

NRA: Buckeye Firearms Foundation win over City of Cleveland "a long-awaited and major victory for Ohio gun owners"

Fairfax, Va. -- Today, the Cuyahoga County Court struck down the City of Cleveland's scheme of restrictive gun laws still on the books despite Ohio law, which clearly prohibits such municipal gun ordinances. The Court ruled in favor of gun owners in the National Rifle Association-supported case of Buckeye Firearms Foundation, Inc. v. City of Cleveland . "This is a long-awaited and major victory...

Memorial Day 2011 - Remembering Those Who Gave All to Defend Our Rights

By Jim Irvine We are often thanked for all we do to secure firearms rights in Ohio, but this Memorial Day, it's important to remember all those who have come before us, and won all of the big battles. It is only through their sacrifice and perseverance that we are able to fight today's battles. While it's easy to get caught up in the moment of your own struggles, our lives as we know them would...

One never knows!

by Rick Jones The old woman down the street, the old man around the corner, the nervous young man next door. One never knows! Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, fellow employees. One never knows who has served this great country. They don't say much about it, won't tell stories about it, but will talk with others who have been there and done that. Who are they? These are...

Federal Hunting and Fishing Excise Taxes Create Enormous 1,000-2,000% Annual Return on Investment to Outdoor Industry

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — An analysis conducted by Southwick Associates and Andrew Loftus Consulting for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies found that federal excise taxes collected on the sale of hunting and shooting equipment represented an approximate 1,100 percent annual return on investment (ROI) to manufacturers between 1970 to 2006 and taxes collected on sport fishing equipment...

Attorney General announces First Quarter 2011 CHL statistics; Ohio Concealed Carry numbers continue to climb

By Jim Irvine Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the first quarter of 2011. At the end of March, we had an all-time record of approximately 228,088 Ohio residents licensed to carry concealed firearms. (See chart) The Ohio House recently passed HB45, a bill that would allow license-holders to carry concealed into Ohio restaurants...

NSSF Survey: 21 Findings About Modern Sporting Rifle Owners

Users Are Passionate about their AR-style Firearms NEWTOWN, Conn. -- Owners of modern sporting rifles (MSR)--those rifles based on the AR platform--are among the most passionate gun owners. Most shoot their rifles often and wish they had time to shoot them even more. Most use them for target shooting. Most own multiple modern sporting rifles. Most enjoy accessorizing them. Given these and other...

Victim of an on-campus rape publicly shares the story of her horrific attack, fights to overturn campus carry bans

[Editor's Note: The following article should take on a whole new meaning for people in the Buckeye State when they consider that the Ohio State (University) Police are currently investigating five possible rapes on campus at OSU. ] by Chad D. Baus recently reported that lawmakers across the country are debating whether universities should let students and faculty with permits carry...

Court Orders Cleveland to Stop Enforcing Local Gun Control

"Cities are out of the firearm regulation business." - Ken Hanson, Dec. 12, 2006, following the veto-override of Gov. Taft on Ohio's Statewide Preemption Law (HB347) Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Brian Corrigan has ordered Cleveland to stop any enforcement of 19 separate local gun control ordinances, effective immediately. Buckeye Firearms Foundation is the lead Plaintiff in the case, which...

If this what it looks like to have gun rights groups "panicked" and "on the defensive," let's hope it continues...

by Gerard Valentino Over the last twenty years, concealed carry laws have swept the nation, Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground reform became the norm, and the Clinton Assault Weapons ban, which was the crown jewel of the anti-gun crusade, was allowed to sunset. Yet, in a recent email to supporters, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) claims to have the pro-gun community running scared.

Singing Praise to John Moses Browning

by Tim Inwood Few things really pass the test of time anymore. It seems that as soon as you buy a new computer it is already obsolescent and the latest whiz-bang model that replaced it won’t last but a few months. But if you look closely while watching news footage of our troops in Afghanistan, you will see a pistol that has indeed succeeded in passing that test and it is a testament to the...

Richard Daley – Chicago’s Emperor Nero retires

by Gerard Valentino Richard Daley's request for armed bodyguards to protect him after he leaves office shows that his career as Chicago Mayor is ending, but his legacy of hypocrisy will live on. After years of disarming all civilians, Daley's tune is now changing, and he is making sure that someone carrying a gun is in place to defend him when he no longer holds his throne. For Daley to request...

Wal-Mart retailing giant resumes sales of rifles & shotguns at half of its stores

by Chad D. Baus The Wall Street Journal reported recently that Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is bringing back rifles, shotguns and ammunition to hundreds of U.S. stores as the hurting retail giant seeks to reinvigorate its one-stop shopping appeal and attract more male customers. From the article : The world's largest retailer stopped selling hunting rifles and bullets at all but a third of its U.S...

Dad who split up fight in McDonald's shot "no-guns" Great Britain

"A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington "Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual discretion in private self defense." - John Adams "Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms." - James Madison by Chad D. Baus The Mirror , a British newspaper, recently reported that a...

SAF challenges interstate handgun sales ban

The Second Amendment Foundation [has] filed suit in U.S. District Court in Virginia challenging the constitutionality of federal and Virginia provisions barring handgun sales to non-residents. SAF is joined in the lawsuit by Michelle Lane, a District of Columbia resident who cannot legally purchase handguns because there are no retail firearms dealers inside the District. The Supreme Court's 2008...

Restoration of Rights bill (SB61) scheduled for sponsor testimony in House committee

[UPDATE May 23, 2011 - Chairman Mecklenborg has removed this bill (and one other) from the meeting agenda due to time contraints related to the volume of testimony scheduled to be given on another bill the committee is considering.] On Tuesday, May 24, the House Committee on State Government and Elections, which is chaired by BFA "A" -rated Rep. Bob Mecklenborg, will hear sponsor testimony on Sen...

Congressman Bob Gibbs Introduces the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act

Seeks to close loophole limiting second amendment rights on over 7.6 million acres of federal land On May 12, Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-OH) introduced HR 1865, the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act. "Today, I am proud to introduce HR 1865, the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act and continue my commitment to preserve the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution," said Congressman Gibbs. "HR...

Love and death, Chicago style

by Tim Inwood Illinois is a beautiful state with a great history, but it is a state that is dragged down by the ridiculous liberal politics and policies of the Chicago area and its suburbs. The liberals and progressives of the Chicago area have kept the rest of the citizens of Illinois from having a right to carry firearms for their defense for too long. Recently the liberals also made it safer...

Chicago's Daley a hypocrite to the bitter end

Having retired from office on Wednesday, May 18, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley remains a monumental hypocrite to the bitter end and his request for publicly-financed armed bodyguards proves it, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said recently. As Daley prepared to leave office, a Washington Times editorial bared the anti-gun Democrat's hypocrisy. For years, Daley has had...

Another Year, Another Meaningless Brady Scorecard

It's that time of year again -- the time when the Brady Campaign releases its annual scores and rankings, lavishing praise on state governments that infringe upon the rights of their citizens and scorn on those that respect the Constitution. This year, the occasion was met with about as much enthusiasm as that other spring ritual, the income tax filing deadline. If this is the first you're...

Kasich's enemies happy to offer advice on how he can supposedly gain support by turning his back on gun owners

by Chad D. Baus With both the House and Senate having passed similar versions of Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix legislation, the media now know their anti-self-defense editorial and biased news-coverage campaign has failed, and their hopes for stopping the bill up in the House have withered. Instead, the new focus is on encouraging Republican Governor John Kasich to go back on the...

Guns are not allowed in Restaurants: The forensic examination of the anti-gun claims

by Ken Hanson, Esq. Ohio has now passed bills in the House and Senate that would allow concealed carry licensees to carry firearms in liquor facilities. Since this legislative action is contrary to the editorial position of Ohio's major newspapers, and since editors such as The Columbus Dispatch 's Joe Hallett cannot allow facts to interfere with their own biases , it is left to Buckeye Firearms...

New Study Points to Truth About Mexican Cartels' Guns

The Woodrow Wilson International Center, which previously accepted as fact that incredible numbers of newly purchased firearms were being smuggled from the U.S. to Mexico, has just released a report showing that the numbers have been incredibly exaggerated. The revelation shifts the blame for Mexico's drug cartel problem away from America's "lax" gun laws, and squarely in the direction of Mexican...

"Mentor man's guns are confiscated after he calls police for help" - More proof of need for Restoration of Rights legislation

by Chad D. Baus While Restaurant and Car Carry Rules Fix legislation has garnered almost exclusive attention of the media and the gun ban lobby in Ohio, another piece of important pro-gun legislation has also been passed by strong, bi-partisan majorities in the Ohio House and Senate. HB54 and SB61, Ohio's Restoration of Rights legisation, will align Ohio law with federal statutes regarding the...

Irate property owner arrested after firing shotgun at Ohio concealed handgun licenseholder

Dayton's CBS affiliate, WHIO TV, reported recently that a property owner fired a shotgun at a man and his son after they accidentally drove on the edge of his lawn. From the article : Max Lawson and his 16-year-old, Mentee, were out collecting used toys. At one home, they accidentally drove onto some grass near the driveway. Deputies said Dennis Neumann then came out to complain. Lawson said he...

"The Lundy List": Three legislators who indicated they'd vote for Restaurant & Car Carry before they voted against it

Last month, Republican House Speaker William Batchelder made headlines when he revealed that his 59-member caucus was unable to muster the 50 votes necessary for passage . A review of our 2010 candidate surveys showed that, so long as everyone kept their word, the votes were there. However, sources in the Statehouse told us that some were considering breaking their word and voting against the...

AG Holder: "I frankly don't know" how guns were allowed by the ATF to "walk" across the Mexican border

According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the Project Gunrunner program was intended to stop the alleged flow of guns to criminals in Mexico. That didn't happen. Instead, the program may have facilitated the illegal smuggling of thousands of those guns, some of which actually turned up at the murder scene of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in December 2010. As the probe...

Editorial: "Don’t buy into the Wild West mythology"

During floor debate on HB45, Representative Mike Foley (D-Cleveland) Mike Foley warned about "the Wild Wild West atmosphere" he said "could and would happen" in bars if the bill was passed. The people and groups who are predicting mayhem if these bills become law are the same that falsely predicted mayhem if HB12, HB347, SB184 and other bills we have supported passed. They were wrong then and...

House Speaker says Restaurant Carry bill could be sent to Governor next week, and that Kasich has assured him he will sign it

Batchelder credits pro-gun groups for winning over some opponents by Chad D. Baus The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that House Speaker Bill Batchelder has received assurance from Governor Kasich that Ohio's Restaurant Carry legislation will get signed. From the article : "We visited about it," Batchelder said. "Absent something drastically changing, I don't know what that would be, the...

Ohio House passes HB45 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) and HB54 (Restoration of Rights)

Editor's Note: This story was updated as information became available. By a 56 - 40 margin, the Ohio House has passed House Bill 45, sponsored by Representatives Danny Bubp (R-West Union) and Terry Johnson (R-McDermott) which will allow citizens who hold a valid concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry a firearm in restaurants. To do so, license holders may not consume any alcohol and must not be...


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